Well, my hiatus was a lot shorter then expected. I went down to St. Louis to visit family, but we ended up leaving way earlier then I thought we would. But we are going down again in July. Even though I haven't lived in St. Louis for seven years it still feels like home when I'm actually there. It's just the atmosphere there is so familiar. It's on the top of the list of cities I might want to live in after college.
I finally finished watching Dexter. Thoughts on the first two seasons are below.
I don't know what it is about summer that makes me go back to my slasher roots. Seriously, as the temperature rises, so does my need for guy on guy action. I ended up watching the whole John Paul/Craig storyline from Hollyoaks. And I ended up re-reading Maurice and Brideshead Revisited. And to quote Brothers and Sisters: "This is the gayest week of my life."
I'm really looking forward to This American Life. The episode is about six different people named John Smith at different times at life. I'm guessing I will cry at least three times.
This still makes me laugh. Magic turtle FTW!
Battlestar Galactica
For some reason I was really paranoid that they were going to kill Helo in this episode. I am sooooo glad they didn't. And I kind of digged his interaction with the other 8.
Please let Boomer still be alive. I could go for a Chief/Boomer reunion.
True fact: Baltar was the reason I started watching the show. I always saw pictures of him in Entertainment Weekly and thought he was pretty. I loved all of his scenes with Roslin. But I kind of hated Roslin in this episode. She just pissed me off. And I totally don't buy that Kara would be at her death bed. They really don't have that great of a relationship.
Next week looks amazing.
I love how wonderfully bitchy Craig is. He's all "I love you, John Paul. I'll break up with my girlfriend soon." Then he goes and get engaged.
I really hate Spike. He was kind of fugly.
Only John Paul could make a priest go against his vow of celibacy. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about Kieron.
Was Michael C. Hall this buff during Six Feet Under? That boy is fine.
Rita is so sweet. I thinks she balances Dexter out well.
I thought there was nothing cuter than 3 year old Dexter saying "Biney". Then adult Dexter said it and I died from the cuteness. I miss Brian/Rudy.
Lila was a crazy bitch. I liked her for a little bit, but they she just got annoying. And what's with wearing no bras?
Laguerta is just a bitch. I can't believe she was sleeping with her boss' finance just to get he job back.
I love Masuka and Batista.
Doakes is okay in small doses. I wasn't really sad when he died.
My feeling about Deb fluctuate. I liked her in first season. And the beginning of second season too. Especially when she hand cuffed Gabriel to the bed. But then all the Lundy shit started happening. I hated when she found out he listened too classical music, she started listening and it "changed her life". It was so pathetic. I hated the whole relationship with Lundy. It kind of ruined Deb for me. But she got a little better towards the end of the season.
Now I'm eagerly waiting for season three.