Title: Simple
Theme: Watson's Woes July Writing Prompts 2017
Prompt: Poetic License. A character writes poetry (doesn't have to be good poetry).
Author: Alaylith
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD
Characters: Holmes
WordCount: 345
Summary: He tries to write a poem, but in the end only needs three simple words to express himself.
A/N: Blerk, not happy at all with this. :( The only reason it is so long is because I fought the whole damn time with this little monster. Thankfully the prompt says "doesn't have to be good poetry"... :L
The sky is still the same blue
And yet it is so different from where I am from
The monks told him he should try to write his thoughts down to work through his phases of depression. He should also try to write them as a poem (he still shudders at the thought), because he would have to think more deeply about what they mean.
Back then he made clear what he thought of the advice, but as the days pass he remembers how a proud man often scribbled in one of his journals, not writing any of his blasted stories, and felt better afterwards.
My thoughts are racing far away
Far outside of my reach
He has never seen those words, never knew what it was that took the burden from the other's shoulder. Yet he saw the positive effect and gives the monk's advice a try.
He tries, truely tries, but everything he writes somehow somehow wrong. No, not wrong, just not enough. Never enough to really express what he thinks and - in the privacy of his mind - also what he feels.
In the city smoke took my sight
Here now tears blind me
He writes a few words, sentences sometimes, but then throws the papers away. This frustrates him too much, trying to write such fancy things. He is not a complex man, escpecially not so romantcially gifted.
He deals in simple facts and does not need such imaginative phrases to-
You only understand the significance of distance
When you can not return to where you belond
Suddenly he realizes the truth - the monks were right, by trying to express his thoughts (and emotions) in poetry he did think more deeply about them.
Only after all these unsuccessful tries does he understand just what he actually wishes to say and there is no need for grand words, beautiful rhymes or fanciful phrases to express himself.
With shoulders a bit less weighed down Holmes writes the simple fact that has consumed his thoughts (and heart) ever since he left switzerland.
I miss him