JWP #14 ~~~ Last Choice

Jul 30, 2012 08:37

Title: Last Choice
Theme: July Writing Prompt #14 - July 30
Prompt: betrayal and forgiveness/reconciliation
Author: alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC
Characters: Sherlock, John
WordCount: 345
Summary: Sherlock feels betrayed.

A/N: So, the last of the July prompts and so far I managed to connect them all. :) And the story is not finished yet! The next are ( Read more... )

drabble/ficlet, bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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Comments 6

sweet_chi July 31 2012, 03:11:14 UTC
I love the emotions in this one. Very well done.


alaylith July 31 2012, 06:58:35 UTC
Thank you! :D


azuhra August 5 2012, 03:35:43 UTC
Pay attention to him, John! If you've got that big, brilliant, brain on your side, problems have more solutions than you or I are wont to dream of.

Also, hug. Very sweet. Fascinating that Sherlock recognized he should do that on his own. Or did he Google that too?


alaylith August 6 2012, 09:11:39 UTC
As Sherlock realized this while talking to John, we can safely assume that Google was not involved.

Or maybe he had his phone in his pocket and managed to use that. XD


capt_facepalm August 6 2012, 18:48:33 UTC
He didn't, did he?
But if it was the only way... he might have!
(I'm keeping my potential spoilerific and likely wrong thoughts to myself!)


alaylith August 7 2012, 06:38:22 UTC
But your idea was pretty good. :)

Definitely something I thought about in the beginning and might consider for a future ficlet. XD


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