Title: Running out of Time
Author: Alaylith
Rating: G
Characters: Watson
Summary: The blizzard is over, but Watson realizes that he is running out of time. (July Prompt 29)
WordCount: 243
Prompt: July 29 ~~~ Illness, in a location where little to no help is forthcoming.
Author's Note: Another short one; even though we did not do as much in the amusement park as yesterday - I am dead on my feet and can't think straight anymore. This takes place right after Blizzard. Jgdhfhwkbg.s..whgfuz.....,. *falls asleep on keyboard*
When Watson awakes the next morning while pale sunlight shines through the window and he feels a splitting headache and an uncomfortable pressure in his chest, he knows that he did not come through the storm without any complications.
A deep cough shakes his chest and Watson can feel his own skin burning.
He tries to stand up, but his legs are completely numb and he has no strength left in his body. Watson draws the blankets tighter around his body and tries to control his breathing.
He caught a cold at least, but it may even be pneumonia. He was still weak from the head wound and he got not enough water and food while in his captivity to build up any strength.
It was logical that he would get sick in this horrible blizzard. But he is sure that his captor does not care about it and there is nothing of any help in the attic.
Watson coughs harshly and rubs his legs to get the circulation working again.
He is imprisoned in an old attic, surrounded by people who do not care about his welfare and there is nothing he is able to do.
There will be no help for him as long as Holmes is not able to find him.
Watson shudders, snuggles deeper into the blankets and swallows a painful cough.
But if Holmes does not hurry it may be too late.
He is running out of time.