A year in the life of a plot bunny

Jan 31, 2015 22:47

Onedeadplotbunny's year runs from 01 February to 31 January so it's time to re-evaluate what I've done in the last twelve months (no, I'm not going to repeat what I wrote on New Year's Day).

Total Works in Progress on 01 February 2014 -- 27 (Spreadsheets here)
Novels (>40,000 words) -- 5
Novellas (20-40,000 words) -- 10
Short stories (<20,000 words) -- 5
Outline only -- 7

During the year I finished and posted two novellas and one longish short story. Two of them remain on the WIP list, however -- one because it needs a part two and the other because it needs the last chapter to be re-written completely.

I also started and finished five short fics, four of them in the SGINA-verse. Only three of them were posted -- the other two will wait until their parent novel is finished.

I moved six fics and two outlines to the "officially abandoned" folder. It's always a sad task but these are works that have been untouched for several years so the chance of them ever getting finished is very low. They are not deleted (I never delete anything) so I can reinstate them in the future if inspiration strikes.

I started two new long fics:
2DZ1: Go West (estimated 50,000 words)
2DZ2: It Couldn't Happen Here (estimated 25,000 words)

I also added ten new short stories (all of them within the SGINA-verse), and three new outlines.

Total Works in Progress as at 31 January 2015 -- 32
Novels (>40,000 words) -- 5
Novellas (20-40,000 words) -- 7
Short stories (<20,000 words) -- 12
Outline only -- 8

Somehow, an 18% increase wasn't exactly what I had in mind. *sigh* On the bright side, however, if you look at estimated word count on completion the 2014 total was 565,000 and the 2015 total is 542,000 so that's a net gain (loss?) of 23,000 words. I've already done 230,000, which is a little more than 40%, leaving 312,000 to be written. If I could write even half of that in one year I'd be very happy.


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