Writing Update - November/December

Jan 01, 2015 13:33

I only managed 800 words in November so I've rolled it in with December.

Completed in December: nothing. :(

Worked on in December:

Paths Unconformable 2: Despite Reason (SPN, Dean/Castiel): In spite of this being my priority task, I only managed 600 words. Total now 57,000 (estimated total on completion 80,000). Stalled for a long time, but I'm starting to feel my way through the later story now.

Two Divided by Zero 1: Go West (Hockey, Sid/Geno): 300 words. Total now 18,000 (estimated total on completion 50,000). This would go a lot faster if I actually wrote in the main story and didn't keep on doing timestamps.

Two Divided by Zero 2: It Couldn't Happen Here (Hockey, Sid/Geno): 800 words. Total now 6,000 (estimated total on completion 30,000).

2DZ timestamps: 4300 words over various ficlets.

Total for the two months: 6000 words

Summary for 2014:

The first half of the year was relatively productive-I finished and posted three long fics and three ficlets. The second half ... well, not so much. I'm particularly annoyed that I haven't done much over the Christmas break (damn you, reddit) but I did need the rest. Overall, however, it's a pretty respectable total and while I still feel disappointed that I didn't write more I have to admit that I'm pleased with what I've accomplished this year.

The Stars My Destination 1 (Stargate: Atlantis, McKay/Sheppard): 17,000 words, posted March

Pineapples Are Not The Only Fruit (Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny): 28,000 words, posted April

What Will Be, Is (Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel): 1100 words, posted May

Paths Unconformable 1: Therewith Instantly (Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel): 37,000 words, posted July

Hunt (Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel): 900 words, posted July

Always Here For You (Hockey RPF, Sid/Geno): 1400 words, posted July

Total Words for 2014 (posted): 85,400

Total Words for 2014 (written): 84,700

Writing Plans for 2015

Despite Reason remains my top priority. I'm very happy with what I've done in the first two chapters (which will have to be broken up for posting because Ch 1 is 11K and Ch 2 is 19K) and I'm starting to get on top of the action in Ch 4 and 5. Ch 3 is still a problem-too much of an info dump for a start, plus I think I've made it overly complicated and added too many new characters. A lot of the factual information can be pulled out and put into the "Guide to the SGINA-verse", and I may pull out one of the events into a side story. Original EDC was end 2014, but I'm now aiming for mid-2015. If I can write 1000 words a week I can do it with time to spare.

Therewith Instantly needs a complete revision of Ch 4. I'll probably wait until after I've finished DR though.

The Stars My Destination 2. I'm having problems with this. I know what I want to happen, both on the action side and the romance side, but I just can't get them to materialise on paper. I'm not sure if it's a skill and effort issue or if I just don't have the mindset to be a crime writer.

Word of a Varadar is stalled but not dead, and I'd like to get it finished in 2015 if at all possible. There is very little "canon" to work with so this is the closest to an original work that I'll ever get, and it's proving to be harder than I anticipated. The main problem is that my characters have changed during the writing process-the way they were envisaged at the start was a bit more shallow and slightly sleazy on occasion. As I've got to know them, they've become more serious and more honourable, and they simply wouldn't do what I had them doing in the first chapter-or, at least, they wouldn't do it in the way I wrote.

Go West is all plotted out, I just need to stop watching hockey and start writing about it.


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