Nothing is permanent here

Jun 27, 2013 21:26

Well, that was a busy 24 hours ... After a bit of a scare the other day when the Circuit Archive went down for a few hours, I decided to start downloading. I have a lot on the ProsLib CD, of course, but not everything, and some of the stories in the CD have hard linebreaks from the email submission format, so I figured it was worth getting the fics in html. 400 documents and about 40 artworks later, I have pretty much everything over 9500 words or 50KB (for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I rarely read fics under 10K words).

Then today quantum_witch announced that the Good Omens Library will be closing in two weeks, so I had to download a heap more fics. There aren't all that many Good Omens fics out there, so it's a shame to risk losing any.

My hands are really tired now.

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