June update

Jun 22, 2013 16:55

These updates are getting later and later in the month ... but at least they are still appearing.

The last couple of weeks have been fairly quiet and non-productive. The weather has been very grey and cold which doesn't help my mood -- I tend to wrap myself up in a quilt on the sofa and read or watch a DVD rather than try to drag words out of the brain.

kapuahi and I had a great weekend in Wellington. I was going to write about it here, but it got a bit long so it's now in its own backdated entry.

WoW: The much-rumoured XP nerf for 81-85 didn't eventuate, so my shaman is still loitering without intent. Instead I've been on another server levelling my Blood Elf DK who has been languishing at 71 for months. He's working his way through Grizzly Hills at the moment and I should get him to 80 in the next ten days, then I'll have to upgrade his heirlooms before I take him further -- luckily the upgrade cost was nerfed so I should be able to do that at the next Darkmoon Faire.

Writing:. Not much, but I am still doing a few hundred words each week ... just not in the same fics. I'll keep trying. I really do want to get at least three fics posted by the end of the year.

Brr. It's cold. Time for hot soup and crusty bread.

wow, fandom

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