I'm so stupid sometimes. well, most of the time actually. idk why but suddenly i've gotten so depressed. it may have something 2 do w/ the fact that i was looking around & these other freshmen girls are all over dexter & he's fine w/ it. but w/ me...idk...i feel like he just wants me to leave him alone T_T Not that it matters
ok, so kasey....i went out w/ my friend christy & we met her friend kasey. he was pretty nice, etc. so we all went to the movies & we sat christy, kasey, me. so, w/e we're laughing @ it (we saw Balls of Fury...NOT my idea, i can hear all your racist remarks now >.< And the only reason i wanted to see it was b/c hiro from heroes was in the preview. well, he's actually only in the movie for like 10 seconds! it's mostly about white ppl, of course. and the asian parts are really stereotypical & offensive. overall, the movie was pretty funny. but that's another story) ANYway...so then we go to the park and walk around. and then we drop him off @ his place & his roommate is having some drunken party so we leave him in the parking lot & i hug him goodbye & he goes...."ok, gimme your number." so i give him my number & we hug & christy & i leave. well, apparently during the movie he texted chirsty & said that he thought i was "cool and really pretty" and then later he was texting me & saying how he only just met me, but he really likes him. and he thinks i'm beautiful and he wants to go out w/ me when he comes back. (cuz he works all over & makes lots of money)
AND....well, idk...i was exciting b/c christy was excited, but...now i realize (i think) that i only "liked" him b/c he liked me. it's awful, but...idk...he's not that cute and...like he's nice, but i guess...he's kinda boring. idk. i only met him once! how am i supposed to know how i feel about him??? but when i've thought about him this week, i get this feeling of dread in my stomach >.<
BUT...it's made me realize that it's not all about money for me. it's all about looks! hahahahahahaha^-^ idk...like...i was just thinking that...idk if i'd like to introduce him to my family & things like that. it's weird. idk. plus, y'know...he's not asian. (he's my first non-asian to get my number actually...) so anyway, that's kasey, he coems back the 17th, i'll let y'know how that one goes...
ok, SECOND. wut is it w/ me & asians??? i mean...SERIOUSLY! Like...i find them SO attractive! but...WHY??? weird...is it just cuz they're like "unusual?" if so, wut does that have 2 do w/ attactive-ness??? i mean, really like.......it doesn't make sense. *sigh* i've had WAY too much time for self-reflection & that sort of thing. i think i am so close to being crazy that i could be if i wanted to...but then i probably wouldn't meet any asians...haha^^
oh, so in my psych & life class we played a really fun board game today! but aside from that, we're supposed to do this "theraputic" writing thing. which...i'm looking forward to, but lj is kinda my theraputic writing. PLUS...you're supposed to write about horrible things that happen to u or make u mad. & idk wut 2 write about...other than like, 'this boy likes me, this boy doesn't. why don't i have a boyfriend?' etc. so...idk yet...
OH! & another thing...ok, so if i don't like kasey b/c he's not asian, then why don't i like hao more??? like...he's asian, right? & he's nice & he has money! but then i like jae (i think) & he's broke & he's not "nice " but...i'm pretty sure if he liked me, i wouldn't get this sick feeling in my stomach. haha^^ it's like i have committment issues for absolutely no reason. all this time i've blamed the boys for not liking me. maybe i'm just sending off these waves of 'don't, i'm not really interested in a relationship anyway.' but....I AM! I really want a sweet boyfriend who'll buy me stuff. but I REALLY want a guy i can show off! haha^^ is that terrrible??? like...i want to walk in2 a room w/ him & have all the girls be jealous & all the guys go, 'whoa, there's a cool dude.' haha^^ & i don't get that w/ kasey & not w/ hao either. well, maybe a little w/ hao when we went to the CCC. Maybe i KINDA like hao. but his problem is he gets real pissy @ me for no reason. idt he really means it, but...he's mean...he's usually pretty nice in person. and...one time he said he missed me and according to myspace that means he really likes me & miss me. oh...&...wait, i can't tell you. but...this OTHER boy called me & according to myspace that means he REALLY likes me ^-^ *happy*
ok, wow...talk about theraputic writing. & i'm not spelling that right. oh well. hm...oh & i might stay w/ psychology right now...not sure...education is too hard of a program to get into. &....my advisor was saying to study abroad next year!!!!!!! so that i can do it again junior year, if i want. if i want...hahahahaha^^ anyway...oh & i have to go to church sunday if that person calls me back. & i have to talk to the nurses to get a shot so i don't get some weird college disease. and...i have to....buy another book for my freshmen class!!!! i already have 3 for it!!!! so i'll pick THAT up 2morrow T_T AND I have to by a whole new wardrobe for band!!!!!!! can you believe that?????? sux!!!!!!!
And that annoying kid talked to me today. i almsot punched him. today his thing was running around yelling "Go Colts!" i'm pretty sure there's something mentally wrong w/ him, no offense 2 the mentall challenged. but this kid is PSYCHO!!!! *stab*
ok, i'm done this time, really! i think...ye~ ok, i'm done ^-^
oh....who should i leave u w/????? Taebin? I was looking him up today. OK...everyone, this is Im Taebin aka Danny from the kpop group 1TYM. He was born & raised in America, so he speaks AMAZING english, but now he's a famous celebrity in Korea <3 he's wonderful ^-^ Oh, & he's Se7en's best friend!!! So cute >.<
Bonus Se7ensshi!!! <3
oh ye~ & hao's texting me now >.