I'm too tired to do much more than post, so here's the Fic Duel, which is in my newest world. I figured that if real life was beginning to feel like fiction, I should write fiction about real life. So this is a bit based on RL things, with a twist.
Title: Disappearing Act - Chance Meeting
Fandom: Original - Disappearing Act world
Characters: Wade, Brennan, George
Rating: G
He got shunted from flight to flight, canceling one ticket and purchasing another, always moving and moving, never sure where he would go next, or when he would stop - if ever.
Once, long, long ago, he went by the name Wade - or, at least, that was the last given name that he could remember. Since then, he had chosen his own name - sometimes at random, sometimes with more of a purpose.
Right now, he went by the name Richard Jeffries, an American entrepreneur looking to establish small businesses in multiple parts of the world. He wasn’t in it for the money, having more than enough to live comfortably for the next hundred or so years, but it was something to do that would help him both in the long run, and perhaps give him leads as to where he was going.
It was fortune that led him to the small bookstore in a small town south of London, where he ran into a man who was as familiar as he was strange - something he had learned long ago was either very important or very dangerous, and often times both. The lady working there addressed the man as “Richard”, something that he would have found amusing if not for the coincidence - another very dangerous thing.
He was considering making an escape when the other Richard looked up at him and met his eyes, and the Wanderer saw that same agelessness that he knew showed in his own eyes, though the other man appeared to be only in his lower twenties.
What he didn’t see was the man off to the side who stared at them both, quickly jotting down some notes to share with his superiors before quickly leaving the building.
No matter what the Wanderer had learned in his many years of existence, Fortune still had a part to play in it all.
Gift Fic
I told
cyanwitch about this idea I had, so here it is. It's based on the idea that life-and-death encounters tend to make people subconsciously want to have sex and (possibly) continue life. You know how it is. Well... this is a bit cracky, but I think I generated an OT3 at one point as well... you'll see.
Title: Night After
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Pairings: ... lots of them. If you don't get them all, ask and I'll spill.
Rating: G
Even in their alternate forms, laguz still had improved abilities over their beorc friends, and Nailah was made highly aware of this fact after she and Rafiel retired to their tent the evening after Ashera was defeated, and Commander Ike and company had returned to the camp.
As she sat there, watching the gorgeous heron next to her get his first night of decent rest in years, she slowly became aware of other sounds echoing throughout the camp. At first there were a few quiet sighs, just slight whispers on the wind, but they quickly multiplied, escalating to quiet gasps and not-so-quiet groans from a few that even some of the older beorc would have heard, had they been awake to do so.
Content to stay awake and watch her heron sleep, Nailah began to amuse herself by picking out the voices, and was only mildly surprised to hear Volug’s familiar growl amongst the sounds hovering over the encampment. She continued to listen to him, recognizing the accompanying voice as belonging to that silver-haired myrmidon, no surprise really, as the two had been getting along well before, and she had overheard some mention of him having a laguz lover a few years previous.
And there was the sound of the youngest myrmidon amongst them, a young boy from Daein. Other than him, only quiet sounds came from that direction, but the young blond archer had to be with him - they were nothing if not obvious.
Is that Tibarn and Reyson? She wondered, picking up a familiar cry that sounded more distant - more than likely the two had retreated farther away from the camp before giving in. The wolf queen laughed a little to herself, considering how no one would have commented, or perhaps even noticed, seeing as they were all pretty much occupied.
The blonde thief and the spear user, the Branded from Daein and her thief boy, the Crimean queen and her - oh, two? - companions… even a few beorc with laguz partners, like the young fire mage and his tiger friend, as well as one of the beorc soldiers and a laguz fighter. Of course the laguz were enjoying the feeling of being alive, especially if the sounds Nailah was hearing from the heron girl were to be believed. Even the Commander and his tactician - oh, if they had tried to keep it a secret, there was no way there were going to do so n-
The wolf queen glanced down at the heron who lay on her lap, his blue eyes clouded with sleep, and smiled. “Shhh, just rest. There will be time, later.”
Rafiel smiled and shifted a little before settling back into a restful sleep, and Nailah leaned back, eventually succumbing to sleep as well.