
Mar 21, 2010 19:42

 Jessica was here, we had fun; now I'm tired and she's back in Morocco. Miss you, first-sister!

Now I have a fridge full of pumpkin pie and Jessica's birthday chocolate cake, an empty space on my sofa and lots of good memories of our time together.

I started knitting a new hat, even though I have about a zillion things in progress already, but I've lost my other green hat and it's still cold and snowy and winter in Finland so I really miss having a warm hat. And it's almost ready besides. >.<

I've managed to break my camera AND cell phone, all within a week. :P I actually got a new phone today (a VERY basic Nokia 2330) but I still would like to get a new camera as well. I just hope my computer doesn't give up on me anytime soon as well, because I certainly don't have any money for a new one!

Anyway, I think I should go do something about the mountain of dishes waiting for me in the kitchen (and then maybe do something with the other pie crust... ). >.< 
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