Girls just want to have fun...

Jan 25, 2010 01:35

 This weekend has been the best ever in a looooong time, I guess because it included the following things and more besides:

- Four lovely girls (and one boy most of the time), namely Paula, Milka, Aino and me, of course. :D
- Lots of strawberry margaritas on Friday evening
- only six hours of work ( and no studying!!) on Saturday
- finishing my knitted hat! (though I still have some embellishments in mind)
- sauna (steamy!) and self-pampering with the girls
- a bottle of rum and two of vodka (plus some juice and fruits) = lots of cocktails @ Milka's place
- wannabe-Indian food by Aino (delicious!)
- seeing Yuno and Nopsajalka @ Kuudes Linja -> lots of dancing! 
- sleeping next to Milka in her soft, snuggly bed
- flea market in Vallila and two cute (but oh! so retro!) containers for my kitchen
- brunch in Töölö and the best croissants I've eaten
- Sunday afternoon spent napping
- seeing Eleanora and Joanna in the evening

All in all, very much worth the time and money. And even the fact that I didn't get any studying done didn't bother me overmuch.

(Yes, I'll be posting some Mauritius pics and such sometime soon! :look) 
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