"I've got a life ahead of me and I'm only 22..."

Dec 03, 2009 23:48

It's still my Birthday for almost half an hour. So far the day has been mostly good, a bit odd and very tired. I don't think I've slept much above 15 hours this week. And this is Thursday we're living already...

Mostly I've been doing some school stuff and lots of cleaning up at my apartment. Now everything is shiny and in order which is nice. I'm still WAY behind in my school things, I'm supposed to hand an essay in tomorrow; the original return date was Tuesday, I got an extension by asking very nicely. (I should have begged, and maybe got another extra day or two.) I think I'll just have to go to sleep NOW and wake up at 5 am. because at this point I'm no good for writing a ten-page paper of decolonialism in Africa and anthropological approaches to it. I'm sure a few hours of sleep would do me wonders, even though I've barely started the actual writing part. >.< :P

I even got some presents! Besides the Mauritius flight tickets ages ago (from my parents) I got candles (from Paula), flowers (from Iisa), linens (from Joanna) and a My Little Pony (from my parents). <3 :D

What was really annoying part of today is that I had invited my family and some of my friends for coffee and cakes or somesuch in the evening, giving them the approximate time of 19-21. Well, my friends arrived before six, and my mother and sister (and the baby, of course) came nearer ten. Needless to say, pretty much all of my evening went to that... which I really don't grudge, as I love being with my friends and family), but I had specifically asked people not to come too early (I knew I would be writing the essay today!) or too late (for the same reason), so I wasn't too happy about that. We did have a good time though. >.<

And now I really need some sleep, I think I must have nodded off about three times in the last ten minutes only. :P
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