(no subject)

Nov 16, 2007 11:18

Yay! I am alive! (and in case you are wondering, I did finally purchase my rename token. It has been a long time.)

I am still in Athens. I have a kitten named Blue (actually, Sir Reginald Junior the Second, but that's a bit lengthy till he's no longer a kitten). He's sweet and adorable when he's not pretending my legs are tree trunks and my hands are vicious kanids that beg for their own destruction.

I am working at the same place - a Sears warehouse - about 30 miles *read, long a.g.o.n.i.z.i.n.g. miles, sheesh - commutes SUCK* for decent pay, and missing my rl friends like crazy who are all back in Kennesaw. I want to move back so badly, but at the same time, I would like to be able to show I can stay at a damn job for at least a solid year. Haven't done that since I was finishing up my first year of college.

I am taking a break from school right now. I just don't want to be there. Sure as hell, I will NOT be finishing my secondary English degree anytime soon. Just don't want to. I would like to be a professional writer, but that is going to take more work than I am actually putting forth just now.

I am tired now, so I'm getting off, but I will try to post again soon. Maybe even something with actual content.

Miss y'all.
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