Too bad. I missed "International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day" -- it was yesterday, apparently. The explanation is
here. Of course, I'm totally in favor of selling my stuff, which is why my entire catalog of "original" fic is not available on line, but I also think that publishing free material online as a way to draw traffic and gain publicity is a fantastic idea, and if I had several published books I'd totally be doing it.
I have already published material online that I personally think I *could* have professionally published in some no-name literary magazine that would have paid me 10 bucks, so in honor of being a pixel-stained technopeasant, here are some links to my work:
Kids Will Be Kids: What if mutant children with superpowers lived among us? What if they were total brats?
(Oh, BTW, the fact that one of the kids is named Eric is totally coincidental -- I wrote the story when I was seventeen, and since Eric is technically my stepson I had no input into naming him. However, I *did* base the story on families I knew, and I thank the God I don't believe in every day that *my* kids are NOTHING LIKE THIS.)
The Great American Novelist: Marcia's going to be the greatest writer ever. Just you wait.
The Werewolf Baby: Autobiographical magical realism. This totally happened, about ten years ago. Except, of course, that it didn't.