andrastewhite has started up
multiverse2004 again for this year, and it got me thinking, as it does every year, only this year I am not pregnant or massively behind on work deadlines, about a companion ficathon dealing with 20th/21st century universes.
Multiverse, for those who don't know, is a ficathon dealing with crossing over space shows. Andraste picks out all the space shows that have a sufficiently large following, and people sign up with three crossover scenarios (such as Picard in the Blake's 7 universe, or slashing Laura Roslin and Zhaan from Farscape, or things like that), involving a character from one universe and either a character with romantic pairing, a character with ampersand pairing, or the entire universe, from a different fandom.
So I have been thinking that you know what goes together even better than space shows? "Modern" milieu shows (books, movies, comics, etc) about a world just like our own except that there is some freaky point of difference in it. Shows like Smallville, X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Movies like the various comic-based movies (X-Men, Spiderman). Books that have a large enough fandom that people would be willing to write in it (Harry Potter might qualify as weird world; things like Anita Blake and Dresden Files definitely qualify). Comics like X-Men do *not* qualify because their entire world is transformed by the presence of superheroes, mutants, aliens, etc. TV shows like The West Wing don't qualify because there is no supernatural or science-fictional point of difference. And shows like Xena don't qualify because they're not modern.
Would anyone be interested in such a ficathon? If so, are there fandoms you want to suggest? I am providing a list of potential fandoms under the LJ-cut; I will take suggestions and anything seconded by two people will appear in the master list, if the ficathon occurs at all. Fandoms with a question mark also need to be seconded; I'm sure of there being enough interest in the non-question marks that they can just go. I'm also not considering anime because there's too damn much of it and most of it would qualify, and I don't want to be swamped with it. I don't want the ficathon to run into Yuletide or Multiverse so I'm thinking it would probably do signups in June and fics due in September or October, and I'm not sure at this point that I would do anonymity because of the technology I want to use to put it up.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dresden Files, TV?
X-Men Movieverse
Spiderman Movieverse?
Any other Marvel movieverse?
Batman movieverse?
Anita Blake?
Harry Potter? (the question mark here is not are people willing to write it, but does it go too far in the direction of "weird" to qualify -- what do others think?)
Alias? (is it weird enough?)
White Wolf's World of Darkness (only as a universe -- you can cross a character from a "weird" source into the WoD, but you cannot cross a character from it with another character or univese, due to the fact that as a role-playing universe WoD has no real established canon characters)
Other non-anime suggestions?