Maybe tomorrow....

Jun 15, 2006 12:38

Yesterday was a pretty intense day at work. 5th year students got their final marks an hour after their last examinations, which is pretty darn impressive. Popped out for a drink after work, got a good vibe as students and staff chilled out. Got flirted at by outrageously drunk women (the type of subtle winking you can see from orbit), was told by quite a few people I was doing a good job and should keep it up.

I've got a pretty quirky sense of humour, which is why after hearing all of this I was unsurprised the next morning to hear that the department couldn't keep me on after June. It's that kind of irony that tickles me :)

This is old hat to me by now. Department spinning on a dime from hiring full-time to not being able to afford to. The girls in the office were pretty annoyed by this turn of events, I've seen this plot-twist too many times to be bothered.

Shame, this job's pretty fun.
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