Feb 02, 2014 17:00
Air chill and laden with scent washed past him as he padded quietly along, this area was new to him as so much of his journey had been but he knew he would find her eventually. Off to one side of his path the susurrus of hushed voices drew his mercurial attention and yet again he meandered.
Within a deep cleft of the ground a group of grey robed individuals gathered in a tight circle two deep chanting. What ever the tongue they used was it seemed to his ears that it must be painful to enunciate, it all looked vaguely nefarious so he settled down to watch interestedly.
Two of the group cast off their robes, one was a giant of man heavy with muscle and webbed with scars the other seemed female but was scaled iridescent blue that shaded to purple at throat and crotch. The pair fell to the ground and clawed chunks from the earth, quickly a withered form was revealed at the very centre of the circle, as it was pulled gently from the embrace of the earth the chanting quickened became urgent.
He stretched languidly then shifted to a new closer position when he realised that something new was to be added. Out of a cave beneath him two humans were carried struggling, the first was a well made youth all long blonde hair and oiled muscles straining at the thick leather straps that squeezed his limbs painfully immobile and were all the clothing he had. The second was to His passing interest a fire haired maiden lithe and skin like speckled cream, she was naked but for the thin leather thongs that netted tightly around her writhing form. Nether one of them had been gagged and He could hear them calling for aid from Ancestors or promising retribution on those around them. Placed on ether side of the muddy husk spells were muttered and both bodies froze, the bonds were cut roughly from them and above each station was taken by a daggered form. The husk twitched as He prowled closer pausing beside the lightening blasted remains of an oak directly above the action, staring down He noted that nether of the young pair looked as healthy any more, around them the chanting had ceased. He watched for a moment but nothing was happening and he grew bored.
It was time to continue on his journey and before he went Grebo reared back to sharpen the great scythes of his claws and padded away. Behind him the mighty tree fell, there were two survivors who huddled (at least at first) together for warmth.
Kurt woke with a start and cursed harshly, the damned cat was in his dreams now. On the other hand that young maiden while having the wrong hair colour reminded him strongly of someone and in the dream Grebo's vision was excellent.