Aug 12, 2005 12:52
What are the chances that your love of your life has been
there for you long enough to know why you do some things
and perform some actions?
What are the chances that you have turned him/her down
using the reason about not wanting to mess up your great
I ask the ones that were turned downed, how many times
have you heard that excuse knowing in your heart, you
would never allow any thing like that happen?
And how many times have you watched them make awful
choices on boyfriend/girlfriend, watching their relation
ship end over something stupid?
How many times have been there to help them with a problem,
driver, or a place to stay; to care so much about how they
are, if there is a problem, or if you need to pick up some
thing for them (ex: something for a mother to be -food or
clothes-) but still no matter how hard you try to be there
for them or love them they will never love you in the way
you love them?
I know that everyone has one, but its if you pass it up and
let them get away. and if you think that it will kill your
friendship, you're wrong. it will only make it stronger.
so them the trouble and use a different one. and dont say
that they are not your type cause they are, and you know that
cause you hang with them........