Aug 07, 2004 10:28
One week, so little time. I can't color anything in photoshop, unfortunately as the scanner portion of our printer suddenly decided to spaz and die. So I will be resuming once I am back and set up. I can possibly sketch out a few new pages though, that'd be productive.
Aside from Gundam Moon *hides from Nick* (working on it, honest! ^_^ ) I have read everything I set out to read at the beginning of this summer.
Haven't sketched as much as i'd like, but a recent re-inspiration flare this week has gotten me back into the swing of it I hope.
Crys's HW is about a third of the way typed now. Maybe with some late night efforts around my work schedule I can pull it off as done.
Most of the stuff I brought home with me to sort through for this year has been sorted through. Now I just have to put it all back in the boxes/bags I brought it in and fit it all in either my car or the van before next Sat. I also have to go on a massive CD hunt as siblings have managed to drag mine all over the house again.
Still have a bit of finances to go over with Dad, panning out exactly how much I owe for my car and insurance, plates and writing Mum the check.
Hmmm, what else am I forgetting? Oh crap . . . the Hyagar plushie might have to be hand sewn at this point if I want to have it ready for NDK. The sewing/guest room is a complete mess of boxes and piles of junk. I didn't even get to sew together the Juliet costume Britty never used for her school play I was gonna make use of somewhere this year. It's the same crushed velvet material as my cloak in a bit darker shade of blue with silver trim and silver rope laces. It's pretty. But we can't find where we put the pattern and material from the last move. I'll have to see what insane feats I can pull off this week.
So much to do! So little time!