Hail from sunny Colorado! (plus a quote of the day)

Dec 27, 2008 22:37

We've been having an excellent time here in the Mile High City thus far--we visited the zoo, walked around 16th St. Mall, and spent a lot of time with family. I'm keeping busy between events doing the work that I managed to bring along--as I told a friend recently, as a freelance writer, your boss just never gives you a day off...

One of the projects I'm working on had a bunch of great information about the medieval Muslim world, and contained some great quotes from early scholars. So, in lieu of a long entry, here's a quote of the day. Hope you're all having a wonderful end of 2008!

"Prevention of the child from playing games and constant insistence on learning deadens his heart, blunts his sharpness of wit, and burdens his life."
- Al-Ghazali, 11th century Persian scholar and mystic

quote, writing

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