Busy busy holiday season

Dec 23, 2008 14:54

Sorry to be dropping on and off so much this month. The house is still taking up a lot of time and brain room, and getting ready for holiday travel does the same. (We've also been celebrating holidays in an impromptu fashion, like sharing the beginning of Hanukkah candle lighting over at lisa_bee and hellpossum's.) On the writing front, I'm working on a couple of different things, but don't have any teasers to post today, sadly. If I can get to a computer next week, I'll try for a Teaser Tuesday!

In the mean time, doing some internet searching on a completely different project, I came across "The Anti-Princess Story," a delightful retelling of Snow White, wherein the princess has marketable skills to go along with her pretty face. It's maybe 1,000 words, so it's a quick read.

If I don't get back to lj between now and the 1st--Happy belated Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! (If you celebrate other winter holidays I've neglected to mention, I hope they are wonderful as well!)

Edit I just discovered asakiyume's new short story, "Traces," which was published at Three Crow Press. She's one of my Coyote Wild compatriots, and I loved her story "The Oracle." I'm looking forward to reading her newest work!

francesca forrest, blogging

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