A few years ago, the Glamazombies (my nickname for fans of writer
Mark Henry, also known as
mdhenry) hosted a 52 book challenge on Mark's mailing list. Since then, I've been tracking the number of books I read, including juvenile literature (nothing shorter than a Roald Dahl chapter book) and graphic novels (I did credit myself for going through all of the archives of Schlock Mercenary last year, but am not giving myself credit for keeping up with the daily reading). I made it to 119 books in 2011, and finished my first read of 2012 this afternoon.
I thought, hey, why not set some goals for next year? I've really just been tracking them and not setting any goals for myself, but I thought maybe I could diversify my reading a little more this year. So along with the goal of hitting the even 120 in 2012, I'm setting the following goals:
- 1 new-to-me nonfiction book not related to work
- 2 novels that are not SFF or romance
- 1 novel by an author who I've worked with on the autobio project, but haven't read before
- 3 rereads of books I've previously loved
- 1 new graphic novel that is not a review book
- 12 books from my as-of-2011 TBR pile (which will only start to make a dent; it keeps growing and I keep not gaining ground)
- 4 kids books beyond the ones on the list for the 2011 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Nominations list
My reading challenge to all of you: set one goal for what you will read next year, whether it's in quantity, diversity, or quality. I'd love to hear what they are!