Well after procrastinating from doing this entry by reading all the new entries in my flist I am finally gonna do my own. So without further ado, my weekend in Derby, in long hand, cos I haven't written a thorough rl update in a while.
Had my boring 3 hours of Othello in English, somehow survived XD Then I went back to the house, watched Neighbours (go me!) and then caught the bus to the train station. Manchester-Sheffield-Derby, very simple journey apart from my original train getting a 20 min delay at Sheffield, so I hopped across to the next platform and got on this other train that was going via Derby. Ended up getting there only 5 mins later rather than 20 or more, lol. I found Scott just outside the front doors and we walked to his. Hung out inside for a bit, watching anime, playing games, lol. Then we walked down the road and got take out (haha) and then watched more anime (FMA!!). Went to bed about 1am ish.
Poked Scott awake at about 10 to 10 *evil grin* and we watched some saturday morning tv, haha. Then I think we watched some Fruits Basket (my memory fails me). Anyways, we left the flat just after 12pm and wandered round Derby before we met up with Scott's mate Jim at 1pm. While at the cash machine we got ambushed by Scott's friends, Dave and Lorraine, and ended up going for food at the Deep Pan pizza place. Then we got on a bus, sorry, a coach XDD to Nottingham. We wandered round Notts for a while, taking in all the anime shops. I came back with Fruits Basket vol. 6 and Saiyuki vol. 5. I shall catch up with these two manga series one day, lol. We got the coach back and went back to the flat for a while.
Then at roughly 5 to 7 we had to do very fast walking to the cinema for Doom cos we left late, lol. I got ripped off for my cinema ticket, 5 bloody quid :/ The film was alright but not generally my thing. Then we walked back, at a frankly more sedate pace. Once back at the flat, Dave, Lorraine, Jim, Scott and I watched FMA and I think Scott and Dave also played Soul Caliber 3 but yeah, my memory sucks. All three of Scott's mates had gone by 11:30 and me and Scott just watched some more FMA before bed.
Poked Scott awake again, this time at 20 past 10, haha. We watched nasty Australian kiddy program and had some breakfast. Then we were joined by Scott's flatmate, Sam, and his girlfriend, Shell, and played Wario Ware. At which Shell and I sucked royal arse but then again we'd never played before whereas the boys had. Was very funny, esp. the doctor one, hehe. After that Scott and I played Naruto whatever it is 3, lol. Scott beat me almost everytime cos he worked out how to copy people's moves with Kakashi's sharingan, boo :/ but twas still fun! We had a wander in town for a half hour, stopping in Maccie D's for some much needed food and then went back to the flat for a bit before I had to get to the train station for my train.
Got on the 17:25 train to Sheffield, after many goodbyes to Scotty, hehe. The 50 min journey went by very quickly as I spent the time chatting to the girl I sat next too. Pleasant young girl but your typical teenaged girl really, but yeah she helped pass the time (is close to sounding bitchy ^^; ) Made my connection at Sheffield successfully and the hour on the train to Manchester passed just as quickly as I sat chatting to a middle-aged woman. Though she started talking about really intelligent things as soon as I mentioned I was a Uni student *sweatdrop*. Then I got a taxi back to the house, no fuss. The taxi driver was very plesant, chatty but not too chatty, lol. I left him a 60p tip, go me!! haha.
And that was my weekend and very pleasant it was too. Though now I'm feeling all lonely again ;_; Role on tomorrow when Adrian comes back. Don't like being in the house on my own, cos tis lonely :(
Oh yeah! and Scott gave me my christmas pressie and I did the uber naughty thing and opened it already. Tis much much love!! Full Metal Alchemist artbook!! *huggles it* Thankies Scotty! *huggles liek woah*
Okies, I'm done now.
Oyasumi Nasai minna-san!! ^__^