Welcome to the town of Forks, closely related to the town of Knives...>.>

Apr 07, 2009 23:34

So I set my mum a mission this morning. To scope out the supermarkets and try and get the Twilight DVD for less than HMV's asking price of £12.99. She delivered, of course. She got it from Morrisons for me for £9.77. I have since found out that Asda are selling it for £9, but meh, what's 77p between mother and daughter? Eheh.

We watched it tonight, of course, and I now know never ever to watch it with Adrian anywhere near the vincinity ever again. He didn't appreciate it for what it is at all. Some of the comments he came out with were funny, but when he repeated them more than 3 times, they got just a little boring. For example:

When Edward goes out in the sunlight - Adrian decided to start calling him Gary Glitter. Yes I did laugh, but he sure knows how to kill a joke stone dead, lol.

Oh! and Adrian kept making stupid werewolf jokes, which admittedly I did find funny at first, and even join in. But still, how many times can you laugh over someone saying 'I used to be a wereworf but now I'm okaaaay'? (the okay drifts off into really bad attempt at a werewolf howl)

Anyways, despite all that, I did enjoy watching it again, although the baseball bit didn't have quite the same effect when Muse wasn't blaring out all round you like in the cinema.

Work was the usual, blah blah whatever. I finished at 5 today, which was nice. But which also means I have to do full shifts rest of the week, boo. Plus, I'm doing 1-10pm again on Thursday 'cause they anticipate a big delivery. Ooh! and I got Thorntons ice-cream today. And I'm sorry Hev, but Thorntons beats Scoop hands down. Amazing ice-cream! and it's only like 20p more, lol.

Anyways, I am absolutely knackered, so I'm gonna finish there and very shortly go to bed for some much needed shuteye. I do have a sort of 'sentence of the day' to leave you with. I do say the strangest things when I'm washing up, eheh.

"If I could marry any voice in the world it would be Conor's. I love his voice so much. Adam's would come a close second."

Yeah, this was said to my mum whilst I was humming along to Bright Eyes. She must have thought I was completely off my trolley. Then again, she must have already known that, heh.

twilight, work, bad jokes, conor oberst, ice-cream, adam lazzara, bright eyes, dvd, whsmith

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