Doctor Who

Apr 05, 2008 23:12

Omg omg omg! Doctor Who/Torchwood fangirly squeal entry, as promised. I suppose I better put it under a cut since there'll be people that haven't seen it yet, heh.

So, Torchwood first, since I saw it first. Omg! what a sad episode! They killed off (technically Owen was already dead but you know what I mean) two such awesome characters, who never got a chance to go on that date, argh! Tosh's 'if you're watching this I must be dead' message was pure killer for me, made me literally sob. Soooo sad. Also, Gray turned out evil! That hurt for me 'cause Jack so badly wanted to find his brother and when he does he finds him so bitter and twisted there's no saving him. Also, Jack getting buried alive for close to 2 millenia kinda turned my stomach over, like a lot, urgh.

Despite all that, it was a very good ending to the series, in my opinion. God knows who they'll recruit for next series. Martha? unless she gets killed off in Who 4... but RTD has said there'll definitely be more Torchwood, so nothing will happen to Jack, not that much could, lol. Sad that it's over, but it's not so bad since DW just started, lol.

Leading us nicely on to Doctor Who series 4! It's strange but it doesn't seem long ago that I was getting excited for series 3; this year has really flown by *sniff* my life is rushing by me :( I liked the clever ways they kept having the Doctor and Donna miss each other (yeah, hardly rocket science, but it was effective). Also, the sonic screwdriver battle amused me (yeah, kind of childish but it did, hah). Donna's gramps was a dude! especially at the end when he was dancing, haha. Of course the main talking point is...

...Rose! omg, she was not supposed to be in episode 1. My current thinking is she's gonna be like this series' 'bad wolf/torchwood/saxon', ie. pop up randomly in each episode (though that might be overdoing it some, so maybe not every episode) but yeah, omg! she looked so sad though. Did she realise Donna was her replacement or was it something completely different? hmm...It must be a time crossing over type thing, since she just vanished, but who knows. Oh RTD you do like to keep us guessing. Soooo good though. My Saturday nights are back to being awesome! :D

In different news, I'm trying to teach myself the guitar. I don't plan on becoming masterful at it or anything, I'd just really like to be able to strum out some basic tunes. I'm teaching myself on an acoustic, although we do have a Fender collecting dust upstairs as well. It's frustrating though. I'm currently not getting how you successfully position your fingers to get each chord to sound actually tuneful. I'm fretting (no pun intended *rolls eyes*) that my fingers aren't like flexible enough to manage any chords. I mean C major's meant to be easiest and I can't even manage that *sighs* I'll keep trying though. I mean it must be like anything else; practice practice practice and thou shalt succeed, hah.

My hand currently hurts though as a result, so I'll stop typing and go read some fic, hee~

fic, doctor who, torchwood, guitar

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