The complexities of buying cereal when it's 2am and Tesco are doing a reshuffle of their aisle layout -- presumably specifically to cause such, really.
First, I couldn't find the new aisle at all, it being nowhere near where it used to be. I was just about getting the bran flakes DTs, having run out several days hence. In the process of looking, I came across a carton of maple and pecan crisp boxes, still stacked up in one of their restocking trolleys. Now this was a Startling Development, since it'd disappeared from their shelves a while ago, and I'd had to fall back on the Lidl version, which wasn't quite as nice. (Rather "gritty" texture, and perhaps a little too sweet -- both explicable by them putting in large chunks of sugar, perhaps.) I started to extract this, and got moderately funny looks from one of the staff, who nonetheless then helped, and handed one over to me, though muttering something about it being new stock. (Or if not actually muttering, not 100% clear due to competition from the Bluetones via MP3 player.) Sure enough, come the checkout, the computermabob objected to it on the grounds that it was "recalled stock", probably meaning that it wasn't yet "in the system". Never mind that they were by this point on the shelves, complete with a price tag, and looking entirely purchasable. Though as I also failed to get any bread, I'll be back alarmingly soon anyway.
In other "where the heck am I on the supply-demand curve now?" developments, Tesco seem to have gone from stocking no almond fingers, to doing too different varieties: a "name" brand, their own-label product, for which they're charging about 1/3 more, for two fewer fingers. Maybe that Gateaux boycott is still alive and well someplace, and they can price differentially accordingly?