No panoramarama today, because no snaps from the "proper" (cheapo consumer) camera, and G+ autoawesomepan is having the night off (or I don't quite have the knack of getting the right inputs). Anyhoo, trundle around Inniscarra lake with surprisingly little faffing around.yesterday.
For once start was more determined by the weather than freeform procrastination; forecast for rain then sun, and so it transpired in due course. Down Wilton Road and along the LVR, then Inniscar Road to Dripsey. Took the "cut-off" around Coachford, as on earlier An Óige trip. This time I actually noticed the lakeside pathway the leader mentioned on that occasion, put in for the Angling Championships. Didn't take it, though, as I gather it dead-ends after about 3k (not to mention goes the wrong way for that day's exercise). First turnoff towards Fanad, as per usual; for once it was light enough to think about a snap of the bridge from the side, but by the time I thought of that, I was freewheeling rapidly down the other side, and disinclined to yield the kinetic energy. Thought about having a quick shufty around the Forest Park, but it wasn't entirely clear if after-hours pedestrian access was technically allowed. There's assorted "we'll call the Gards!" signs up, but the pedestrian access is open, and I'm guessing the usual "ah, sure" attitude likely applies. At Upper Farran, before the Hall and church, etc, took the left that leads to the way AÓ went up that hill, which is indeed slightly more manageable as a descent than the straight-ahead route. Back along the N22 and... Dunnes, yet again! Chat with a fellow bargain-hunter regards the relative merits of reduced vs double-reduced apple and rhubarb pies. (Naturally, I went for the latter... both of the latter.)
Just shy of 50k, 19.8kph. Started around 12C, down a little below 9. Didn't bother with my outer layer, though, on the "cold is nature's way" theory. Was back at Dunnes not far off 3h after my start, so that's roughly half an hour or so time stationary, not counting shopping time per se. Cork County CC-grade velocity it ain't, mind you. Didn't feel too horribly exhausted at the time... but equally, after a shower, I was asleep on the sofa before midnight.