
Oct 09, 2009 16:47

I had another tooth pulled today. This was my left top molar. It went much easier. I knew what to expect. I didn't cry. The doctor said it was a bigger tooth with less to hold on to and so it was harder to pull, but I thought it went very easily.

Now, here's hoping I never have to have another tooth pulled.

Oh! Oh! Benefits of having 2 less teeth in my mouth:
During the healing process, I have a direct line to my bloodstream for caffeine.
Also, you know that game chubby bunny? If not, I'll sum up: each person puts a marshmallow in their mouth and says "chubby bunny." Add a marshmallow, say it again. Continue till only one person is left. With two less teeth, I'll be able to get more marshmallows in my mouth.


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