16. The Love-Artist, Jane Alison
15. Winter's Heart, Robert Jordan*
14. Lonely Werewolf Girl, Martin Millar
13. Path of Daggers, Robert Jordan*
12. The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Brooks
11. A Crown of Swords, Robert Jordan*
10. Lyon: Lords of Satyr #3, Elizabeth Amber
9. Rant, Chuck Palahniuk
8. Lord of Chaos, Robert Jordan*
7. Fires of Heaven, Robert Jordan*
6. Almost Adam, Petru Popescu
5. The Spirits of America: A Social History of Alcohol, Eric Burns
4. A Spell for Chameleon, Piers Anthony
3. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, Max Brooks
2. The Shadow Rising, Robert Jordan*
1. Plato and a Platypus Walked into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy through Jokes, Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
Winter's Heart: Swoot. Kickass and awesomely cool and I loved it.
The Love-Artist: A pleasant read. It's a story about Ovid and how he came to be exiled from Rome. He's traveling at the beginning of the book and meets Xenia, a witch or sorceress or healer. I tend to lean toward witch (not in the evil craggy way but in the uses magic to help people way). Whatever she is, Ovid convinces her to return to Rome with him, which doesn't take much convincing because she knows of Ovid and has read his love poems. Once they get to Rome, Ovid begins writing Medea, and their relationship begins to break down.