12. The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Brooks
11. A Crown of Swords, Robert Jordan*
10. Lyon: Lords of Satyr #3, Elizabeth Amber
9. Rant, Chuck Palahniuk
8. Lord of Chaos, Robert Jordan*
7. Fires of Heaven, Robert Jordan*
6. Almost Adam, Petru Popescu
5. The Spirits of America: A Social History of Alcohol, Eric Burns
4. A Spell for Chameleon, Piers Anthony
3. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, Max Brooks
2. The Shadow Rising, Robert Jordan*
1. Plato and a Platypus Walked into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy through Jokes, Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
Crown of Swords. Wow. I always said that books 7 and 8 were the worst for me. 8 I quit halfway through. 7 I always lumped in with 8 as awful. I don't know why. It was fun. Delightful, even.
Zombies. Last night I was dreaming as Nathan crawled into bed. He was in my dream, too, as a guerrilla zombie fighter. He carried a shotgun. I told him this, and he asked if I was sleeptalking (apparently I do that from time to time) and I said, "No, I'm totally awake." At least, awake enough to know we were having a conversation and to remember. Then, I drifted off and continued the dream. "Wait," I said. "It wasn't a shotgun, it was a flamethrower."
"Don't you remember the part of the book where he said flamethrowers are useless against zombies?" he asked.
"Yes, but it worked for you." And I went back to sleep before he could burst my dream bubble.
The Zombie Survival Guide tells how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. I wish I'd read it before I read World War Z because Survival Guide is where Brooks sets up his zombie world. He established a history of zombies and governmental cover-ups and proven methods of resistance. It reads like any other survival guide, dull and redundant at times. But it almost makes me want to start preparing just in case zombies do invade.