Healthy Eating Habits

Apr 02, 2008 07:34

I got this from The F-Word, and she got it from here. Ultimately from the National Eating Disorders Association as tips for kids.

1. Eat when you are hungry. Stop eating when you are full. And I'd add that as often as possible, you should eat what it is you're craving. Sometimes a body craves food because there's something in that food that the body needs. You may not know what it is your body needs, but the body knows somehow.

2. There are no “good” or “bad” foods, so eat lots of different foods, including fruits, vegetables and even sweets sometimes.

3. Eat different types of snacks: sometimes raisins, sometimes cheese, sometimes a cookie, or sometimes carrot sticks or celery dipped in peanut butter.

4. If you are sad, mad or bored, find something to do other than eating.

5. People who exercise and stay active are healthier and better able to do what they want to do, no matter what they weigh.

6. Try to find a sport or activity that you like, then do it.

7. Good health, feeling good about yourself and having fun go hand in hand. Try different hobbies, such as drawing, playing music or making things.

8. Remind yourself that healthy bodies come in all sizes.

9. Some people believe that fat people are bad, sick and out of control, while thin people are good, healthy and in control. This is not true. And it is hurtful.

10. Do not tease people and don’t laugh at other people’s jokes about fat (or thin) people or short (or tall) people.

food, fat acceptance

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