pimpin' Project 39!

Mar 09, 2009 18:46

Copy paste pimpage! :D  (I haven't got a proper icon for this, doh!)

Project 39

A few months ago a handful of Sanzo/Goku fans decided to get together and create a massive love-post to celebrate their favourite Saiyuki pairing. The following post contains short fan fiction, lots of fan art, doujinshi, icons & graphics, music, videos/animations, and a selection of our favourite manga moments between Sanzo and Goku. We hope you enjoy it!

PLEASE NOTE: Some images and files are not safe for work/children and the overall rating of this project is NC-18! We had to split it into two entries due to length. Because the project is image-heavy, dial-up users may have to wait a few minutes for everything to load. Sorry for any inconvenience! :)

Click the image to go to the main project page on moshesque.

There's a fic in there by yours truly as well. :)

sanzo/goku, saiyuki, pimpin'

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