Nice surprises

Mar 06, 2009 15:15

Today I received a surprise in the mail. A card from a friend, for no special occasion just getting in touch, full of springtime chat, thank yous, and well-wishes. I'm charmed and tickled, and grateful to know someone's thinking of me.  Thanks conjure_lass. ♥ You've brightened my day, which is no mean feat considering there's Yet Another Snowstorm raging outside my window.

Earlier this week taintedkibou pinged me to take my Girl Scout cookie order (we don't get them here in Canada; our Girl Guides do cookies, but they're not the same kind obviously) for the third year in a row, without even making me get on my knees to beg (and I totally would). *g*

These lovely gestures mean so much, and I'm always delighted by them. They remind me not to stifle all my old-fashioned impulses, because there are those out there who still appreciate the little things. :)

(Aside: The title of this post set my plot bunnies hopping, hee!)

rl, appreciation

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