T^2 is less of a death trap than I remember. However, I'm sure there are some matrices jokes in there. Because, you know, matrices are represented by uppercase letters, so T^2 implies the multiplication of two matrices... yeah, there's a joke in there. I haven't THOUGHT of any, but hey.
So, today! I did nothing. But, somehow, I feel like I accomplished something. I think I finally got the motivation, the kick in the ass I needed, to get this quarter rolling again. Not gonna get into too much detail, but suffice it to say I don't want to fail out of RIT because I was an emo slob.
With nothing else to report, let's quizzing!
- - - 5 YEARS AGO - - -
- How old were you? 13
- Where did you go to school? Lancaster Middle School
- Where did you work? I had this sweet paper route, see....
- Where did you hang out? If anywhere, it was at my friend Gary's house, but I was pretty much a loser.
- What was your hair style? I believe it was short, wavy, and puffy, earning me the nickname "Mushroom Cap"
- Did you wear braces? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I still had them for a year or so after that.
- Did you wear glasses? Yup.
- Who was your best friend? Gary Lutz or Don Monheim, I believe.
- Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend? HAH! HAHA! Hah! Hah....
- Who was your celebrity crush? The term "celebrity" is kinda vague. I don't believe I had one, is what I'm trying to say.
- Who was your regular-person crush? Honestly? This smokin' hot student teacher we had in English.
- How many piercings did you have? Just my left earlobe.
- What was your favorite band? Was this when Conrad had gotten me into OLP? He might have. Our Lady Peace was kinda cool.
- What was your worst fear? Spiders. No, not really. Being something other than emo.
- Had you smoked a cigarette yet? Negatory.
- Had you gotten drunk or high yet? No. If I had, there might be something wrong with me.
- Had you driven yet? Nnnnnno.
- Had you been to a real party yet? Sorta? I guess. It depends on what you mean by "real."
- - - - HA HA HA!!! LETS SEE WHAT YOU ARE NOW !!!!! - - - -
- How old are you? 18.
- What grade are you in? College freshman!
- Where do you go to school? Rochester Institute of Technology.
- Where do you live? West Henrietta, NY. On campus.
- Where do you hang out? Around campus, Conrad's apartment, the like.
- How is your hair style? Long and curly!
- Do you have braces? No thank you!
- Do you wear glasses? Yes, but now I look good with them.
- Who is your celebrity crush? Jennifer Morrison! You're on the interblag. Look her up.
- Who is your regular-person crush? Pleading the fifth.
- How many tattoos do you have? None... yet.
- How many piercings do you have? Still just the one.
- What is your favorite band? DRAGONFORCE!
- What is your biggest fear? Dying alone.... (no, not really, I'm just untouchable.)
- Have you driven yet? I still don't have my license! >_<
- Do you work? I have a part-time at Wegmans.
- Who is your best friend? I don't like terms that limit.
- Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Negative!
- Have you smoked a cigarette yet? Yeeeeeah, actually.
- Have you gotten drunk or high yet? Did them both within two months of getting here.
- Have you been to a real party? Yeah, Sigma Pi's an interesting frat.
- Has your heart been broken? Pository!