Meme answers.

Feb 06, 2009 08:28

Here are the answers to the questions meikimari gave me from this meme.

What got you started in comics?
But a little more than that. He introduced comics/manga as a legit literary form and something quite credible. I kinda ran with that by hoarding manga from you and Tori. Then Ben had TT/YJ: Graduation Day and that was just wonderful. It had dynamic, snappy dialouge, interesting characters and beautiful art. Mind you, it was still pigeon holed as being 'American comic art' but wasn't all tits and legs. Added to the fact Wonder Girl was so cool. I then raided the school library's comic shelf. It was immense and pretty DC heavy. That solidified the switch from manga to comics.

I favour DC over Marvel due mainly to iconography. Their Justice Leauge were symbols, ideals something better and more hopeful. By far, the best JLA run was Joe Kelly's. I should really get you to read that one day. The brilliance, epicness of it is truly amazing. Whenever I tell people about great JLA stories, I always, always talk about that run. Marvel was too gritty, dirty pessimistic for me. I really got involved in comics around Civil War/ the end of Miller's run on Ultimates. But, comic companies change and I'm starting to lean more towards Marvel. Dan Slott has really proved himself to me on The Avengers: the Initiative as a solid, understanding writer. It's hard to believe that a writer truly understanding his characters and creating a believeable dynamic is rare, but it's true and I don't blame writers. IF you have a story and you want to push certain ideas, plots, you want things to go a certain direction, and you'll try to create the characters in that way. I read one interview on how he understood the Avengers (his new title) and he takes continuity to heart and works with it. And just his bare-bones description of the team dynamic, the inner turmoils and animosities between characters was spot on, well developed, and amazingly real. The execution, however, I'll have to wait and see.
Oh, and cosmic Marvel has a little kick-ass gem called War of Kings. *oogles*

DC? They cancelled Blue Beetle, and Manhunter, which disappoint me thouroughly. And Batman's dead. They're having a zombie fight later this year, which is really cool and, thanks to Mrs. Gail Simone, Wonder Woman really captivating. Genocide, love and Manazons? Cool. She's one of my favorite titles right now.

Oddly enough, that was when I started using my LJ more and found scans_daily and immersed myself in comic fandom. It's really great too, because I've met some really great people on LJ, like timemonkey, Darth, Kali, and liquidengineer. That's kinda kept me in the comics loop, unlike manga where I didn't interact much on the internets.

Looking 10 years ahead, where do you think you'll be and what will you be doing?
The ideal goal: I'm done school, paid it off and almost acquired my PEng. I'd love to work in the states, possibly in NY. But more realistically I'll be in Washington state.
I'll also move out and actually buy comics. Hopefully I'll be in a steady relationship then, too. But not with kids. Not yet (but wait, I'll be 30!)
Reality: I'll be done school, only part way to getting my PEng and I'll be working with big oil companies. ;_; And I'll be single and living at home.

If you didn't have to worry about money, where's one place you've always wanted to go to?
....Money? Oh, I can't choose between London or New York. I really can't both are so lovely and culturally diverse, but I think NY wins by a slim margin because of the DC and Marvel offices. Oh, an NYCC.

BUT WAIT! I can cop out and say "Europe" Tee hee. And I'd live in hotels, not hostels.

What do you think about society and being a female in a male dominated occupation? ( least I'm hoping you get what I mean. XD)
I'm not used to being a minority. Ainlay was full of Asians, and mostly girls were in IB (I think it was about 60% of IB was female our year). But I've hardly been treated differently or less because I'm a girl. First year I was with Ozair and the guys. We all just had a good time. It didnt' feel different. It wasn't anything special.

But this year I'm feeling more aware. Mec E only has about 20 girls this year. And fewer Asians. Also, people assume I can't work in a shop. That gets pretty annoying in interviews. I feel there is more of a disconitinuty between the genders than I did before. It's kinda the boys/girls differnce pop media always talks about. Oddly enough, it's making me more involved.

I guess to really answer your question, it's just a something you get used to. There is definitely less familiaritiy, racially and genderally (sexually would have worked, too, but it'd sound weird). There is some demeaning, lesser treatment, but it's not terrible. You've gotta understand that others are getting used to the gender divide. However, working with people, with ohters, there's only a marginal "oh, you're a girl" feeling, but that soon goes away. Administration, however, go "YER A GIRL. SPECIAL TREATMENT!" and that's pretty annoying.

No, it doesn't empower me or make me feel like a pioneer for my gender. In a way, being the minority or the "odd one out" is kinda natural for me. I like the quirky, being oddball is alright for me. Maybe that's why I'm in Mechanical Engineering and why I love comics.

Favorite Holiday?
I typically don't like holidays. I'm usually catching up on homework, working harder than ever. And staying at home with my family for many consecutive days will drive anyone crazy. I don't hate it, but holidays never end well.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Superpower? Hands down, I wanna fly. Who cares about Freud, I wanna fly. But what would be cooler is telekinesis: moving stuff with my mind. Then I can be uber lazy AND fly. And maybe I'll be as cool as Marvel Girl!

If you had a day off from work, what would you end up doing?
Day off school? Studying. Catching up.
Day off work? Sadly enough, I'd go online for the majority of the day. Blogging, twittering, just catching up on things. Like downloads. Or watching that anime I downloaded. I know, sad, but I sometimes just need a day to sit down. and drink some apple cider (Refer to icon).

Person you'd wish to meet, and why?
Oh.... Such a loaded question. I have a few people for quite a few different reasons.

Dead person I admire: Either Jack Kirby or Mike Wieringo. Both were great comic artists with a real flair for life and they were brimming with originalty and dedication to the craft. Kirby is litterally the KING of comics, but Wieringo, is just... Ah.*tears* I remember tearing up when I read he died. That was not a good day. He just was so happy and inspirational.

Dead Person I want to beat up: My aunt's husband. Never met the guy, but I'd meet him to tell him he's a douche and pull a She-Hulk sized Inna Nerts. *cracks knuckles*

Dead Person I'd meet just to say "I met ___!": I'm stuck between Napoleon and Genghis Khan. I really don't need to tell you why.

Fictional Person: Either Barry Allen (the Flash) or Steve Rogers (Captain America). With Barry I'd be a good mellow time. Nothing flashy (haha PUN!), over the top or outlandish. Totally midwestern. With Steve I could have the good patriotism talk and he'd definitely inspire me. And I'd pick up some 1950s mannerisms. That I wouldn't mind.

Living person I admire: Warren Ellis for his crazy steampunky ideas. Or Franz Ferdinand. The band's pretty awesome and low-key. The come from the artsy thinking side of music and I feel I'd really enjoy that.
I picked all Scots. Great.

Person from LJ: Probably Darthphere. he's a pretty cool guy and we've been tight for a few years now.

I've answered way, way too many people. :/ It was fun, though.

I'm too lazy to spellcheck and IE doesn't auto check for me, so I apologize to the grammar police reading this.

rl: personal, meme

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