The Meme Thing: Where questions are asked and answered.

Jan 28, 2009 07:15

Totally swiped from shidoikarji26:

♪ Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!" ♪

♪ I will respond by asking you five questions(likely more). I get to pick the questions. ♪

♪ You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal. If you really dont' want to you can send them just to me.♪

♪ You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. ♪

♪ When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on! ♪

What do you like to be called (be it your screen name, your first name, a nickname, or a fabricated identity)?
Honestly, I prefer Linh, my real name, but with the whole online thing I don't mind being called Akoya.

What does your screen name mean/Where did it come from?
Akoya was as string of random letters that sounded good. I knew I wanted a K and a Y, the rest was trial and error for things that sounded good. I try to use the same pseudonym with every online community, but apparently it's used by some Japansese girl and this group, Akoya Afrobeat. Gotta say that totally outclasses my own.
The last name is reminder of my anime years (i.e. Junior high). It was supposed to be Miyazaki, but I'm retarded and can't spell. *headdesk*

What your opinion on Interracial/religious/gay marriges?
In this respect I'm quite liberal. And by liberal, I won't stop you. You want an interracial marriage? Go for it. As an Asian I'm always in a culture clash, and I understand how it can be kinda weird. But also keep in mind I'm Canadian. Interracial marriages are all around me. I'm used to it and it's kind of a statement of how two ethnicities and different cultures can combine. Totally not a problem for me.

Religous marriage? I'm not a religous person, but I can understand why others are. Sometimes it's a way of life. They've grown up with religion and it's a staple of their life. Some desire inner peace, calamity or even belonging. Spiritual satisfaction and all that. If you want to use a deity to express your life-long bond to another. Sure. You have the right to do things you're way. Personally, I'd ask my parents. It's their opinon that matters to me.

Gay marriage? Love is love. If that's how you roll, go right ahead. I admit to having a non-functional gay-dar, but even when I know I don't care.

What matters to you in a peraon?
I'm assuming that's person. Geez, this is tough one. For friend, a degree of openess, general quirkyness and just being a decent person all around. For a lover.... you got me. I've never had one and honestly I haven't looked. I guesss the same as a friend I'm the gal who's trying to settle my career first. And by that I mean "trying not to fail horribly in University."

Favorite quote?
... I'm not a quote person. I'm gonna cop out and say "Lex Luthor stole 40 cakes.... And that's TERRIBLE." Oh, I need an icon of that!

Are you religious?
No. My family is Buddhist, but I'm not very religous. Maybe science counts. Science, logic and math. Hee hee. I am, however, very traditional. Ethnic customs are so much fun.

Do you have any hobbies or favorite activities?
I read comic books. Lots and lots of comic books. Ever since high school I've just been overly consumbed by the industry. Mostly superhero, but I'm trying s'more Vertigo and indie stuff. I dig indie music, even if it is pretntious. I'm a fan, specifically, of Canadian indie and some Brit stuff.

Who is your favorite family member, and why?
I really SHOULDN'T answer this question, even if I've got an answer.

Why do you use LiveJournal? What do you like about it?
Because I've had this thing for almost five years. I like babbling, too. It's one of the things that keeps me sane. I can vent, argue and just wast time here. But most importantly I've made really good friends here. This is a great online community; a huge comic fandom, minimal bullshit.

I admit to having shitloads of typos. IE doesn't have auto spellcheck.

It was also really fun! C'mon, guys, DO IT.

rl: personal, meme

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