Dec 27, 2008 02:03

God, this thing was long. Incoming Behemoth!

They call me: Mistah Tibbs!
Nickname: Chris
School: Still looking
Eyes: Golden brown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 175 lbs
Sibling: Brother
Sex before marraige: I do, but for good reasons.


Been so drunk you threw up: No.
Been so drunk you blacked out: No.
Helped somebody else cheat: Man, I’d so give someone away by accident if I tried.
Missed school due to rain: Nevah!
Set a body part on fire: Do eyebrows count?
Kept a secret from everyone: That would be telling…
Had an imaginary friend: No, but I pretended to have an imaginary friend because that’s what I thought kids did. Got bored with it.
Wanted to hook up with a friend: I only hook up with friends.
Cried during a flick: Yes.
Had a crush on a teacher: o_O
Thought an animated character was hot: You have no idea.
Owned a New Kids On the Block CD: Who?
Prank called someone: No, I can’t keep a straight face.
Been on stage: Not as much as I’d like.


Shampoo: Um…. The shampooey kind?.
Body Wash: Whatever that coconut stuff in the shower is.
Color: Blue!
Day/Night: Day, but well after morning.
Smiley: ^_^
Lace/Satin: Cotton.
Union/Confederate: Confederate. It’s a political thing.
Person: Jill!


Known the longest of your friends: Technically, that would be Windy.
Loudeset: Parker
Who to go to for advice: Mom!
Who do you get the most survey from: Mraow?
Who you cry with: I don’t really cry unless it’s a spur of the moment thing.

In the last two weeks...

Cried: No.
Cut your hair: No. But I need to.
Worn a skirt: o_O
Been mean: Unfortunately.
Been sarcastic: Come on, that’s a base state for me.
Talked to someone you have a crush on: Squee!
Missed someone: Yes, cause my families, I miss them.
Hugged someone: Yes, I do so often
Fought with your parents: No. We’s cool
Wished upon a star: Dude, I totally forgot about that.
Laughed until you cried: Yes. T’was most droll.
Played Truth or Dare: I always wanted to T_T
Watched a sunrise/sunset: No.
Went to the beach at night: Beach? In winter?
Read a book for fun: If you need to ask, you don’t know me.
Ate a meal: I’d hope so.
Been happy: See the one about books.
Drank alcohol: Wine! Needed something to put our new wine stopper in.
Smoked: Winners don’t do drugs. Street Fighter taught me that.
Made out: I wish…..
Gone on a date: Yes!
Gone to the mall: The mall, it bores me with it’s lack of ingenuity.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: In one day?
Eaten sushi: No. Sashimi, maybe, but never sushi
Been dumped: Nope! *crosses fingers for luck*
Gone skating: No. Texas, y’know?
Made cookies: Nope. Cookies, they don’t amuse me. Brownies, tho….
Gone skinny dipping: I is ashamed of my nekkid self……
Dyed your hair: No…. not much to dye.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: I am so totally paranoid about drinking to excess that it never happens
Gotten beaten up: No, but one of these days….
Changed who you were to fit in: It’s more like I evolve to fit in, yeah?


Age you want to get married: As soon as Jill says yes.
Numbers/names of children: Um…. Is none okay? Kids annoy both of us.
Dream wedding: There is not enough space here to go into that. For reals.
How do you want to die: Something really, really exciting.
What college do you want to go to: University of Texas. They pretty much owe it to me now, for all the hoops they’ve made me jump through.
Favorite country: Japan!
Best first date location: The first date is always awkward, so pass.

Do you believe in...

God/Satan: God, but he’s kind of tipped his hand so many times in my life that it’s not even fair to doubt his existence anymore.
Love: Well I’m certain that it happens all the time.
Closet Monster: No, but the monster under the bed thirsts for my blood.
Big Bang: Yes, but I mark it up with Genesis as “Shit we don’t know how exactly it went down, so why fight over”.
Heaven/Hell: Nope. Reincarnation FTW.
Superstition: Well, if you know ghosts and stuff exist, is it really superstition?

Stuff II...

Who named you: My parents. It was the last name standing on the fridge. I was named through the same process as American Idol.
Last time you showered: Today… I think.
Last thing you said online: Ummmm….. “g’night all”?
Favorite state: Colorado. Don’t ask
Honeymoon location: This cute little spa in Hershey, Pennsylvania. They have chocolate baths!
Who you wanna spend the rest of your life with: Jill!
How many buddies on your list: What list?
How's the weather: Can’t make up its mind.
What's the best thing you find in the opposite sex: They understand squeeing and huggles.

Favorite hair color: Brunnettes!
Pizza or ice cream: Pizza. Much noms.
Dream car: That car from Back to the Future. T’was awesome.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Grow up? Surely you jest.
Favorite music: The kind that sounds pretty
Favorite movies: Again, not enough space here.
Favorite day of the year: July 19. Try to figure out why. I dare you.
Least favorite day of the year: February 29.
Shy to ask someone out: Oh hell yeah. I plan my courting with the care and precision of D-Day.
If you could change your name: I wouldn’t. Your name defines you in certain ways.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: Anytime I can.
Ever been in love: *squee!*
First son's name: Johnathan. There, you happy now? Geez….
Scary/Happy movies: Happy. Scary movies are so poorly done these days.
Love/Lust: Yes.
Is cheerleading a sport: I think that direct objective competition is the defining characteristic of a sport, so no. But man, that shit is impressive.
Do you want your friends to do the survey: Yes. And they better. Because I know where they live.
Birthday: Christmas. Go figure.
How old will you be: Just turned 24
Inny/Outy: Innie.
Right/Lefty: Righty, working on ambidexterity.
Today's shoes: Um…. The kind that go on my feet?
Weakness: Ah, you almost got me there! Clever…..
Perfect pizza: Pepperoni and pineapple. What?
Goal: To be happy at whatever I do.
Overused phrase on AIM: "Mraow"
First thoughts waking up: " Good, still a few more hours of cuddle time left"
Best physical feature: My eyes. People say they be pretty.
Bedtime: Whenever I go to bed.


Pepsi/Coke: I be a Coke addict!
McDonalds/Burger King: Wendy’s.
Single/Group dates: Single. MINE! MINE I SAY!
Adidas/Nike: Whatever those $20 sneakers at Walmart are. I not be picky.
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate.
Capuccino/Coffee: Whichever offers more cream in it

Do you...

Curse: Fuck yeah.
Want to go to college: Desperately.
Like middle school: SOCIAL PARIAH!
Want to get married: Yes. Waiting on her…..
Believe in yourself: Yes. I think…..

Stuff III...

Number of people I could trust with my life: A lot, I’m not sure of the exact number
CD's I own: Not a lot.
Tattoos: See above.
Scars: Yes. Lets leave it at that.
Regrets: A few.


Clothes: Yeah, lets skip this one.
Taste: Pen flavor.
Makeup: Wow. Next.
Hair: A little overgrown.
Annoyance: Annoying people that I am smarter than.
Smell: Orange scented candle
Favorite artist: It’s not fair to make me pick just one.
Desktop: That OS screen from .hack/G.U.
Worry: Things won’t turn out the way they need to
Last person you touched: Jill
You talked to: Jill
IM'd: Everyone

Are you...

Understanding: Eh.
Open minded: Yes
Arrogant: Yeah, but that comes with the territory.
Insecure: On certain things.
Interesting: Yes, but only a few people know the true extent.
Random: Fish.
Hungry: No
Friendly: Hai! I want to huggle the world.
Smart: If brains were car engines, I’d probably be packing a souped up GTO. Not a drag racer, but decent enough for someone who works on it as a hobby.
Moody: Kind of.
Childish: I’m just more in touch with my inner child than most.
Independent: To a certain extent. I need something to follow, but I’m independent within those limits.
Hard working: Yes.
Organized: Yeah, sure. NOT
Healthy: Kind of. To a given value of healthy
Emotionally stable: Eh. To a given value of stable.
Shy: Only until I’ve been around you long enough.
Difficult: Kind of. I don’t like other people messing in my business.
Bored easily: Yes, but I am easily amused as well, so it balances out.
Thirsty: yes. Be right back. *Goes to get a drink*
Responsible: Pretty much.
Obsessed: Nope. I can be driven, though.
Angry: Not right now.
Sad: See above.
Happy: a decent amount of such.

Who do you want to...

Kill: Hey, I’ve had enough of that.
Slap: I’ve got a list…..
Get wasted with: Argh. No getting wasted, please.
Get high with: Everone. ON LIFE.
Look like: Me. Cept 20 pounds lighter and more hair.
Love: I’m lovin’ her!


Makes you laugh the most: Uncle Greg
Makes you smile: AF Peeps
Do you have a crush on: ^_^ Tis a secret
Is easiest to talk to: Fuller. He’s like a 50 year old version of me. Which is kind of scary, in some ways….

Do you ever...

Sit on the internet all night waiting for someone to IM you: No.
Save AIM conversations: No
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Yes, but not drastically so. I’ll get a turn sooner or later
Cried because of something someone said: Sometimes

Have you ever...

Fallen for your best friend: All the time.
Rejected someone: Yes.
Cheated on someone: Never. If you can cheat on somebody, you’re better off telling them that it’s over.
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