Pimp canes, pink trousers, cardigans and more

Nov 21, 2006 20:04



So there is a teaser trailer. There are photos of the Ministry of Magic. There are hundreds of really boring interviews, and there is the HBO special, which ... words fail me.

Things I must point out:

The Official Trailer:

- When Dumbledore is being rubbish and non-canon speaking at the MoM, Harry is sitting to the left, which means that the person in the chair behind him could be Mrs Figg.

- When Snape has just finished saying "You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind," the quick flash of scenes looks like Voldie is casting a spell on Bellatrix. For real, or are WB playing tricks with us?

- Ron is really cute when he's ducking from from the explosion or whatever.

- I cannot get over how cool the exam blackboard is.

- The SNOG for the win.


buttfacemakani is right. The gratuitous London shots!broom chase is going to be the new extended Hippogriff ride. Or Horntail chase.

- Bellatrix has a little skull necklace. How ... adorable.

- After watching for the thousandth time, I think 
peachespig is right. Snape is a badass.

- Umbridge is good. Voldemort is still a bit of a girl.

- Ron and Hermione HAVE SWAPPED OUTFITS. See here? He's gone trendy. She is wearing what can only be described as a "Ron jumper". Before the forest, what was going on?

As if it needs spelling out: HOT SEX.

The Pictures of the MoM that are worthy of comment:

- Atrium = beyond cool.


- I must not "break rules"? Tell me it's a joke.

The HBO Special:

This is the one that people are saying is spoiling. I debated whether or not to watch it. I relented, and I am so glad I did. It is joy. And less spoiling than I expected.

Continue at your own peril.

- Due to the fact that my friend phoned me up to tell me that Hermione is wearing one of her jumpers (it's from Gap, if anyone's interested) I have realised that in various Forest scenes, Hermione has different outfits. The ones with Harry, Ron, and Hagrid, she's in red. The one's with just Harry and Umbridge, she's in grey (my friend's jumper). Therefore, both of the Grawp scenes are in the film, and Ron is only present for the first one, with Hagrid. So, Harry and Hermione still get their scene of deep and true love (you know: where he grabs her and stops Grawp from eating her) and Ron still gets to lead the sextet out of the castle to meet Harry and Hermione. (Hopefully.) So everyone's happy.

Y'all may have realised this, but I hadn't. So hush.

- Dan all sweaty up against a wall in da ghetto sorry, Surrey, is really unpleasant. Also, who pushed him there? The Dementor?

- STRAIGHT AFTER THIS, really quick, is a scene of Bellatrix and Sirius dueling on a podium. In front of an arch. !!!

- Ginny is wearing pink flares. She may be poor, but she isn't COLOURBLIND.

- The prophecy orb is huge. I'll assume that Lucius holding it is not part of the script.

- "Do you really think it's going to be a war, Sirius?" "Ahh, the calm before the storm..." Um, dudes? It's started already.

- There are way more people in the DA than was shown in that picture. Methinks this is a sign of the importance of Michael Corner, perhaps? The new Marietta?

- Harry's cardigan needs a slow and painful death.

- Luna is wearing pink converses. Just - just - OMG NO. (For those who do not know: converses are shoes that every teenage girl in Britain wears. They are cool. They are an icon of coolness. They indicate what music you listen to and what clique you belong to. What are they doing on Luna's feet?)

- Lucius brought his pimp cane to the fight. You can see him waving it in the air.

- The thestrals? What? Masks? What? Darth Vader? What?

- Luna's voice? A really, really alarming squeak.

- The Arch of Death has no curtain, just mist. Personally, I think a curtain is way scarier.

- Emma's acting. :/

- Dan: "It's a story about ... Harry falling in love for the first time - " HOLD IT RIGHT THERE. No.


And thus concludes my hyperventilation.

Now, WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK? I need to know. Siriusly.

hp: film 5

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