Harry/Cho and other delights

Nov 09, 2006 20:56

And this one doesn't have morphing heads at the beginning of it!
This is one of the reasons that I fear the end of the books, and to a certain extent, the end of the films. It's moments like this that I love, moments where the announcement that in a week there'll be a thirty-second trailer of a film that probably won't be great shakes and will butcher your favourite characters makes you literally jump for joy.
I haven't really looked at the spoilers, but I skimmed it and one word struck out at me:
There's nothing to say but: Bahahahaha!
Random: what do people think about Harry/Cho? Because the opinion I've seen around more than once, particularly with H/G-ers, is that it is disgusting and they will have to hide their eyes in the cinema. Frankly, this baffles me. *bes baffled* I know I'll be going "HAHAHA LOOK AT DANRAD SNOGGING SOMEONE" in the cinema, just as I was going "HAHAHA LOOK AT HARRY GETTING SOME" when I read it.
Of course, I didn't ship Harry with anyone at the time.
*grumbles* It better be a proper kiss. If it's ridiculously chaste-y wedding vow-y, heads are gonna roll. *sharpens axe*
Cho-hate is of Satan.
REC: Sum up of the wank of the HP fandom using the characters. :D

hp: film 5

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