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pumpkinpasty July 17 2009, 07:04:33 UTC
OM OK. So we had basically opposite reactions to the entire thing, but I can roll with that. To be honest I loved it, and what you say about it being really slow -- I reread HBP just before I went to see it and I was like hello, that book is slow too. I guess I never really thought about it, I just thought about things i wanted to see in film, like the sunlit days and zombies in the cave and voldie-asking-for-DADA-job scenes. Anyway there's not a lot to carry a movie, in that one. Just malfoy sneaking around and all of DD's memories. Which i guess is why they added the burrow attack scene, they need some action, and after my initial shock i got over it -- it was decent H/G stuff, and I love helena bonham carter as bellatrix.

ha ha ha the shoelace thing wtf

In the film, Harry and Ginny are... bland. But I appreciated that they made Ginny really forward; I just wish harry had been too. They never even really talked.

Felix!Harry reminded me of David Tennant. Just, like, wired. And CORMAC FTW. That finger-licking thing was hilarious, all the guys in the theater were like, WHOOYEAH, and all the girls were like, EW.

Basically it's like I said: I loved it because I didn't expect to see anything good. I have no standards; I know they'll never come close to what I want HP to look and be like. And fwiw, this was the first my mother didn't sleep through -- she said it was the funniest and most attention-grabbing, and I mostly agree. I love all the romance stuff. Also I like to think the part where Dumbledore asked Harry about Hermione was Kloves trying to make up for all the fuckery from GoF... by fucking up dumbledore WHO WOULD NEVER ASK THAT. I hate film DD.


akissinacrisis July 19 2009, 23:32:05 UTC
They never even really talked.

my problem exactly. and yes, arguably, in the book they don't either - or they do, but we don't get to see it, we just get told it's happening. which i think is one of the major weaknesses with the harry/ginny in the book. i hoped the film would take that and improve on it - show us some of these quidditch matches that harry and ginny supposedy spent laughing together etc., and i was fully prepared to give the film its dues if it managed it...but they managed to bollocks it up with the "showing not telling" even more than jkr did! how did they even manage it?!

cormaaaaaac ♥

i fully agree with your mother! i do actually think it was the best hp film. just ... they're so poor that doesn't say much. i didn't really have any standards about it measuring up to what i wanted, but i did have expectations for it as a film, as something that should entertain me for 2.5 hours. which it did, just about. idk, i think it's just that every time i've seen one of the others recently i have been literally shocked by what bad films they are, and how i could possibly have enjoyed them the first time! i think i must have gone into hbp subconsciously determined to see it accurately rather than fan-d up :/ this one was an improvement, but i just cannot get over the acting quality. i know i should, but i just can't. everything's so stilted and it makes me so grahhhhh. *crossface*


I. KNOW. How about, Kloves, rather than have Dumbledore spell it out that Harry and Hermione don't fancy each other, we could cut the bits where she stroked him??


(i think i should go through this comment and cut and paste the sentences so that they are in a better order but shh i am too tired ♥)


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