This is going to be the last time I post about this. Probably.

Nov 07, 2007 18:18

Am I ... missing something?

RDR's spokesperson is called Richard Harris?

The judge is called Robert Patterson?


OK, I've changed my mind. This has to be the work of a truly ingenious sockpuppet.

Somebody is taking the piss.


Also, regarding the Beedle the Bard wank:

I would expect something like this from "old money". They have had that attitude toward those "beneath them" since time immemorial. But from the nouveau riche? Obviously, this rich bitch has forgotten her roots!
Did this person seriously just say that since "time immemorial", the aristocracy has been known for its tacky ways, and the nouveau riche for their true Class?

... wha?

hp: fandom: wank

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