Steve Vander Ark for King

Nov 02, 2007 17:30

Is this the best day of my life?

I particularly like this:

Steve created this Web site as a volunteer project on his own time, and stopping a book of his own creation is not something that happens in America. It's something that could only happen in a police state.

And this:

Is this a First Amendment issue?
Yes. What's at stake here is the determination of Warner Bros. (which owns trademarks, not copyrights, on Harry Potter characters' names and place names) to limit freedom of the press.

eta:  This is a nice, clear explanation from a lawyer-type-person.

Also, I'm going to start listening to Pottercast again. I want to know what John Noe thinks of all this.

before I run off to les bonfire night celebrations, eta the second: Aha. This explains it all.

eta trois: It's his girlfriend! Now I'm scared. 0__o

hp: fandom: wank

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