Ok, so yesterday afternoon, I took a nap. And the dream I had was awesome.
Basically we all had powers that could somehow or other alter reality or ourselves in that reality, depending on which one of us it was. Like for me, I could bend reality in my immediate area so that, for example, I could move faster or with more agility, as perceived by others because, to me, I move at my normal speed, but because of the reality-bending, others perceive it differently. Chibi could bend time and Juria could call things to herself or manifest them. But we were all in different parts of the city and not right next to each other, but there was this feeling that we all had this "objective" and there weren't that many people in the city anymore anyway, like it was at the tail-end of an evacuation process. But I just had a vague understanding that you guys were in the vicinity, just not visible. And all my instructions were given to me on a watch-like contraption on my wrist.
It was black and green and had capability for voice communication, which the three of us used. But my directions, or advice was in the format of scrolling text on the screen. And they were from Lee. Not sure how, but in my dream, I had pictured Lee sitting in a bunker underground somewhere, surrounded by computer screens and intel of the area and he was using that intel to guide me/or us. But he knew all our powers so would give directions that I could use, kind of like the trailer for Eagle Eye but cooler.
But because of the nature of our powers, we could travel through the city with unreal speed and agility. And for part of the dream, the three of us were just playing around... before the city evacuation. And I could feel Lee like he was watching us and could see everything we were doing. Like the city had cameras all over the place because the government or city legislature required the watching of people everywhere. So our goal, like we had been training, was to be unseen while fulfilling the little objectives he gave us to practice with.
Possibly one of the greatest and most fun dreams I've had in a while.
I was running along the the thin sill of a high-rise office building when the midi of the Power Rangers theme rang sharply from my left wrist. I exerted some more Will to maintain my balance without having to look at the horizon, and glanced down at the Communicator on my wrist:
I made a face at the Communicator even though the Camera wasn't on.
{I SAW THAT. -Lee}
Rolling my eyes, I release the extra WIll I had exerted before and shaped a different Will in my mind's eye. It took only a fraction of a millisecond to do it, so intense had our trials and practices been for the past year. Still on the sill, I bent my knees, bunching up the muscles and releasing the tension, combined with Will to easily fly up 10 more floors of windows. Lucky, a balcony. I grabbed the railing as I flew by it and swung in an arch to land on the balcony.
A brief second of static and Julia's voice comes on hushed over the Communicator:
"I think I'm in the wrong sector." Her frustration was apparent. I grinned and bit back a smart remark. Caitlin, however, did not:
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Shut up, Chibi."
I looked back at the row of windows in front of me. 2 rooms down, there was a conference taking place. I had to be quiet. Annoying. I had been tired for the past week, borderline sick. Chibi's theory was that it was because I wasn't maintaining the balance between my Will and my Power. Power was what you did of your own physical strength and Will was that extra something we had that others didn't, that other skill that let us do what we were currently doing. But I had been relying more on Will than Power on the last few practices and it was taking its toll.
So I manually made my way to the inside of the building, thankful that most of the floor was vacant apparently because of that conference. As I was walking down an empty hallway, I heard Chibi's voice:
"I got mine. Heading back now."
I made it to a safe. If I were Julia, I probably could have used her Will to call the tumblers into alignment. But that wasn't my skill. So I pressed a button on the side of the Communicator face, calling Lee's attention
The opposite side of the Communicator, on the side of my wrist, had a weird disk with a camera lens in the middle and other weird short attachments. I touched the disk to the lock. The Power Rangers theme played.
"You could have just told me the code."
I grabbed the fist-sized, crystalline, irregularly-shaped thing.
"Got it. Coming back now. Julia, you ok?"
"Yeah, almost there. The whole place is empty. I'll catch up. Get me food so I don't have to wait in line."
It was the real thing now. Not like before. There were 10x as many cameras than there were before. The Overlords monitored every stage of the evacuation. And now they were just picking up the stragglers. Even now, the three of us sat on the raised edge of a 30-floor luxury condo building, watching a truck that was the size and shape of a black garbage truck slowly making its way down the street below us. You could hear the sound of people crying inside the windowless cargo area.
And now that evacuation was mostly complete. It became apparent at this part of the dream, that Lee wasn't the one giving all of us directions. As an Ascriber, he had the ability to see who his Spoken was grouped with. It was necessary for the Ascribers to know what the other types of Wills were available to a project. But I didn't know who Julia and Chibi's Ascribers were. Not sure why that was. I'm 100% positive that back at home, we talked and hung out with our Ascribers, it's just... Missions weren't talked about that much. Or maybe in my dream, I didn't remember.
Suddenly we were separate again. Julia and Chibi were together. I had left the group to create a decoy. It made sense too because whatever the Objective was, it required a combination of Julia and Chibi's Wills and mine was the best suited for creating a distraction. I used 3 flashes of intricately webbed Will and ran at full speed down a street.
It's weird trying to describe how Will worked especially when it was probably different for you guys anyway. And depending on what you wanted to do, the technique was different. I wanted to taunt 3 of the mechs that were stationed on 3 towers around the Objective point. So I ran as fast as I could and released one flash of Will which brought me in front of one mech for 3 steps and caught its attention. I flashed another bit of Will, never stopping my legs, and I appeared in front of the second mech and again with the third mech.
Finally, I "ran" to a rooftop that was easily visible and they all left their guard towers to deal with me. When they were about 100 yards away from me, they fired a missile each. I was the point of convergence. I ran to the edge of the rooftop and saw the missile alter their course slightly to follow my movement. Shiiiiiiit. The Power Rangers theme and I looked down.
I nod and rub my fingers together nervously shifting my weight from one foot to the other, watching three missile heads come towards me from different directions. Power Rangers theme:
I rolled along the rim of the roof in the one opening afforded me from the three triangulating missiles. The slap, charged with some of my Will accelerated my push off the building with enough force and speed that I shot a safe enough distance from the initial explosion of the missile heads colliding. But now I was free-falling what seemed to be a million floors facing skyward, watching the shrapnel glitter downwards. Power Rangers theme:
It was the "kid" that actually snapped me out of it. In the dream, I didn't recall the Pirate. But my dream brain struggled to remember what it reminded me of. All I could come up with was that it was from my life before the Evacuation. I started paying attention to my surroundings. A bit of maneuvering a la base jumping, which I happened to know in my dream, I got closer to a building. Exerted some Will and I was surfing down the side of that building like something out of
Mirrors Edge 1:10-1:11. It was awesome. I can only imagine what awesome shit you guys were doing with your Wills. Especially combined. It could potentially get pretty insane. Power Rangers Theme:
"Tsk. So bossy." I mutter under my breath while I slide into an open window in a fluid motion, using my momentum to bring me deeper into the room. Power Rangers theme:
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Quit your nagging, I'm doing something important."
I stepped out on to the street level and came face-to-face with the 3 mechs and one Overlord. Shiiiiiit.
"Identify yourself," the Overlord figure demanded.
"Yeah, how about no," I said and ran. I didn't have weapons. Just Will and Lee's knowledge and eyes. But I was happy. In an exhilarated, excited, happy, adventurous kind of way. And I wasn't running away, I knew it was just part of the... strategy, I guess. Anyway, it was while running and experiencing this happy feeling that the Power Rangers theme rang again. I looked at my wrist while I breezed through the city being chased by huge-looking, intimidating things and read the message:
And I did.