Title: Un-Communication
jedishampooRating: NC-l7
Pairing: Hakkai/Gojyo
http://jedishampoo.livejournal.com/59766.htmlquote: Jeep flapped half-heartedly into the bathroom and curled up in the sink.
“Am I such bad company?” Hakkai asked the little white dragon.
Jeep emitted a tired “kyuuu,” letting Hakkai know that no, he was just in the mood to lie in the sink, and that it was pretty comfortable.
Title: The Umbrella Author:
AbominableDante Rating: M
Pairing: Hakkai/Gojyo
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4412899/14/The_Umbrella quote: scrubbed a toothbrush in my mouth. No point in tasting like the last thing I’d had in my mouth, and there was no telling where that boy’s arm had been before I’d pulled it off.
the next quote is from from the same story
We were one umbrella short, but there didn’t seem to be a possibility of getting it out of that youkai’s chest, so I left it
Title: A Taste of Green
Author: Jessiedark
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Hakkai/Gojyo
He swirled the juice in his glass and thought. Hakkai liked examples that were totally unrelated so he’d try one. “OK, I like beer right? I really like beer. I have favorite beer and beer I don’t care for. But I’m big on beer.”
“Yes Gojyo, that’s never been in doubt.”
“Ok, but I’m not so big on wine. Don’t usually even think about it. Once in a while someone offers you a wine. And it’s like well, wine might just hit the spot, or there isn’t any beer, or it’s really good wine. So you have to try it. Sometimes it’s just a fucking awesome wine. But I’m still a beer guy.”
“You like wine in a dress?” Hakkai suggested dryly.
“Nah, not pouring my wine in beer stein. If I’m drinking wine I want it in a wine bottle. Usually.”
“Gojyo, when did you realize your beer bottle had wine in it?”
“Umm, before I took a drink. I’m good at spotting that.”
“Oh, but you prefer your wine in wine glasses.” Hakkai took a long drink of his tea and Gojyo felt the healer turn his head. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.”
“Yeah, she was just-there was something about her, I just had to have a taste. She was perfect to taste.”
“I see. You did appear to enjoy the tasting.”
Gojyo bit his lip, Hakkai had heard or seen that, and Gojyo was still worried. “Look, Hakkai, you know I’m not the sort of guy to go pawing --- someone’s wine or their beer unless it’s offered right? I’m not the pushing type? If someone’s offering I might get in line, but I’m not asking ‘what’s in your cellar’?”