May 01, 2009 18:52
Hello F-list! :D
I KNOW I DESERVE TO DIE BECAUSE I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING. i am writing my yoosu right now and is trying to smut up my yunjae all while eating raisins. Today is labour day in my country and i'm all acting like i've done milions of deed to my company to deserve a big slack all day.
This entry is posted because i am buffled by the people who friends this account despite my inactivity within the community. T_____T i mean like, my last post should and ought to be pushed back at least 200000000000000000000000000 did you guys manage to link here? @__________@
(in case you ask, livejournal emails me of all comments and friends adding stuff. hahaha! I stalk my email 24/7 due to work so yay)
i am verrrrrrrrrrrry curious.