Aaaaany news? Not really....

May 09, 2009 20:46

Blessed holidays this Friday. We went for a sushi trip with my Japanese class. It's been awesome. I ate sooo much of sushi, not that you can eat enough of it. The best moment of the day was when we finally stumbled out of the sushi restaurant around 2 o'clock and we were trying to decide what to do next. Obviously every one had a little different ideas, more like me and Tana were probably the only ones who wanted to go shopping because well yeah, shopaholic....that's my first name, really :D Our sweetest teacher looked at us with tender care and said, Girls at 4 o'clock at Suedbahnhof. Hehe, we pushed it to 5 o'clock warning her that if we are not there, they should just return without us because well yeah, good shopping takes time. :))

It certainly did take some time, like until 8 o'clock. We were literally dying on our feet while returning. I bought an awesome dress though, in a sort of emo gothic...something shop :)) It's really interesting, I think I am going to take it to London Expo.

What do you mean what London Expo, I haven't told you about London expo yet...oh my, bad :))

I am into a new show at the moment (in between the waiting on Yamada's new movies) and well the show is the most politically correct gay show ever, Merlin :)) Even Tana said after watching one scene

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that they were soooo totally married (swooons over Arthur and his ring of porn....) well so yeah, those two deliciously sweet and totally married to each other guys even in real life (no Bradley, you can't fool us) are appearing on the London Expo con. So what does a well behaved fan girl do? Naturally she forces her best friend to watch at least two episodes of the show (check) and go with her to the con (check) theeeeeeen go to a soccer tournament where the aforementioned swoonable guy plays (check), all that under the nice pretense of giving her a gift of watching soccer in England, because who doesn't like English soccer (don't answer) and well yeah it's got Bradley in it, you really can't require more than that. Now I finally got the fangirlism out of my bloodstream, less danger of reading ahead.

Ah yeah, the dress. So I bought a new dress, as I loooove dresses. It's something between I am so sweet and innocent and I am a dominatrix on my holidays from my job, but I really can't deny my true nature, so what. Tana said she liked the dress, well I do like it too, but the chances we are actually going to meet the Merlin guys on the con are pretty big because I really want to go to Merlin pannel, maybe even photos and signatures and well yeah,I don't want to scare them since I know from my own experience that any con that includes cos play is a pretty weird thing. Just to give you a hint of my dilemma, I say merely, corset black dress, shooort :))

As you can see I am so looking forward to this whole thing I can't even tell you how much. Of course there are not so nice things standing between me and my holidays like my dentist appointment this tuesday (naturally, my wisdom teeth started to act up, as usually before my check) and work, loooots of work. I spent even this day by working. Of course it cannot be compared to what I've been doing in the last four month, but maybe that's the problem. Now I have more time, so I spend it on reading Merlin and Arthur making-love-out each other's brain instead of studying for my Japanese exams......

Nevertheless, the question of this week is clear. Shall I dress nicely like a sweet girl to the con ooooooor scare Bradley and half of the people out of their wits by being Lady Vamp? Decisions decisions.
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