leaving my friends

Nov 27, 2008 22:28

Two weeks ago I returned from my trip to Japan, it was fantastic, I am still trying to get through all the photos ( Read more... )

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quarrions December 14 2008, 18:45:37 UTC
but they dont have to be really replaced you know....so at least I think so ....
it is just up to us if we really want them to change position in our lives....
of course it is not going to be the same as when they were your work colleagues but you still can keep in touch with them ... you still can meet them ...even just for a little time and not so often but it doesn´t mean they are totally gone
if you are such a realist then you must know that everything depends just on our own actions and steps we take ...
so please dont be sad ... maybe something is over but there are so many possibilities and opportunities open for you now...

and besides look at us...I know its really not the same I can´t be compared to your old friends and we know each other for just very short time .. but it REALLY IS possible to keep in touch!!!!!!!!!!!
at least I consider you my friend I want to be in contact


akin16sk December 14 2008, 19:04:33 UTC
you are right of course, I took the departure much more emotionally than I expected, but I am trying to stay in touch with co-workers, now I am even working in my old job, because we have a big project to finish, so they called on me. And you would be surprised, but I actually don§t know them much longer than I know you and I do consider you a friend I want to stay in touch of course, ninny :))
And I try to keep in touch, I am looking forward to our meeting :)


quarrions December 14 2008, 19:25:28 UTC
hmmm than it is good that you overcame it somehow....
I think its going to be even more fine .. after you will part with that job definitely... I think you still will be able to keep in touch with people you met there and like them ...

and ...I am really glad you feel the same about me .. I am really really glad I met you and Tanicka ...
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai I cant wait for us to meet and hear about your trip and how you´re doing!!!!


akin16sk December 14 2008, 20:12:29 UTC
i can't wait to hear all your news about your school and friends and such. i am looking SO SO SO forward to it! i still envy you so much! in a good way of course :)


quarrions December 14 2008, 20:14:11 UTC
hh not much to talk about ..or at least as interesting as yours experience XD
btw I am surffing your journal right now .. do you have some ffs there? coz I cant find any O_o


akin16sk December 14 2008, 20:16:31 UTC
hmmm not really I usually post at fanfiction.net, but i am writing only fanfiction, not real fiction. i was just posting another chapter of a story of mine :P


quarrions December 14 2008, 22:06:33 UTC
yes I want some fanfiction .. hh I want some arashi fanfiction lol any reccomendations on your pieces?? like ohno and ..hmmmm XDD


akin16sk December 14 2008, 23:00:30 UTC
i nhaen't actually written much of arashi fanfiction, but if you look nto my groups there are a few arashi groups and one of them is only for fanfiction, arashirabu. I am sure you will find a lot of fanfics there, most of them are ohmiya, ohno\nino, but that should be OK for you, I guess. I can't give you any pointers, because I don't read ohmiya, but also in my memories are a few arashi fanfics, though most of them are jun-centered.


quarrions December 14 2008, 23:02:30 UTC
kyaaa ok I am going to have a look at that community thanks. ..
jun- centered that was brilliantly said haha XD then I have to read some of that too ...
I would like to read something written by you


akin16sk December 14 2008, 23:08:34 UTC
hmmm as i said, i don't have anything arashi at the moment, or at least nothing in postable form. the only fiction i have is at fanfiction.net under penname akin, but i am not sure if you can read anything, since it's other fandoms and most of the stories are apart stormbringers and between and beyond absolutely and totally ancient and i am more ashamed of them than proud :))

From arashi fandom I have started only one jun-sho centered, but it isn't finished yet. Out of 5 chapters only three are written. lately i have been concentrating on finishing the enterprise story, so I kind of neglected the others. gomen :P


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