leaving my friends

Nov 27, 2008 22:28

Two weeks ago I returned from my trip to Japan, it was fantastic, I am still trying to get through all the photos.

Tomorrow is my last day in my work. I have been planning this for so long, yet now, when the time haa finally come, I am sorry I have to go. Not for the job, I won't miss the stress too much, but because of my friends. I am so afraid I won't see them anymore. We all live our separate lives, but we were connected in our work and what a connection it was! I want to believe that it is strong enough to last without meeting every day, I want to believe it, but I can't, because I am a realist and people can be replaced. People will be replaced in our hearts, because that's how life is. I don't wish to stay, but I want to say, I am sorry I am going, because I know that my departure will dissolve the bonds between us a little more, more people will leave more readily. And we will live more separately.
I hate when the time to move on comes. I hate it with passion, because despite the new things that are awaiting me, tears always come when I must leave people I love behind....so they can be....replaced.
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