Fail Kame in ctkt >D

Oct 30, 2009 00:46

Wow this post will be my 3rd post within a week. I couldn't resist talking about ctKT 2009.10.28 Episode 133. The uploader writes some explanation on the side plus estherzax's show recap helps me to understand some of what happened in this episode. It's enjoyable and fun to watch it. FailKame appears in this episode. hahah he fails at most of the tasks, especially the clay molding in the last part. Ueda is talkative and hyper today. He keeps needing to go to the washroom xD I love the part where he discusses about Ponta with Kame. So this is how Ueda is when he has something he wants to say. Whoever thinks Ueda is timid and his opinions is trampled on off-camera by the EVEEELKame should watch the last part of the clay molding section.

It's not a food episodes but Kame&Ueda&Koki still gets to eat the at the end. The food is so good, Kame doesn't want to go home and Ueda wants to marry the cook xD I'm not sure if the guest is the cook or not. Cooking is Ayako-san's no.1 hobby.

EDIT: I just read something really nice. Takaki Yuya mentioning Kame in TV LIFE. I wonder if Kame really doesn't talk bad about people ever. He has to get mad at some point.

Edit: annneonet has subbed ctkt ep 133

Ueda: Outoo
Koki: Kazuya outoo
Kame: >D
Kame: I have confidence in drawing
Ueda: It's the first time hearing in that xD
Kame: I'm good today
Koki: All you did was draw five lines

I love this episode.

ctktkame&ueda&koki, kat-tun, people talk nice thing about other peopl, ctkt

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